swelling in the uper part of eyes in my son...

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Offline kabir_love

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swelling in the uper part of eyes in my son...
« on: February 29, 2008, 10:49:54 AM »
please can you suggest that  when ever my sone awakes in the morning  his eyes upper part is swelled up too much,  specially last week when he had fever. also this happen long time back but after 5 months of rodex  .. there was no swelling when he sleeps and awake.  this swelling is for 2-3 hr. and then gone.. and it happens when he go to sleep  either in night or in day time.

any thing should i check up. though i had just done his blood test. and in that lever, kidney and other parts were ok.

also i check his spleen by touching his stomach sometime i feel it and sometime is ok, so ill do the ultrasound this week to get the confirmation for sure.

also one more thing i read in this post regarding HB F  AND HB A2. i m getting confused my son hb is- 7.0  hbf- 90%  .. i was reading about hdf  of a thal major is  very less but my son is very high.. am i confused or not. please suggest.

« Last Edit: March 04, 2008, 10:48:59 AM by kabir_love »


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