advice on spleenectomy

  • 62 Replies
Re: advice on spleenectomy
« Reply #60 on: January 31, 2008, 04:38:58 AM »
Hi Dimple and Andy,

Thanks for your quick response.

Dimple, I will go thru info as you have directed. Are there any side effects of these medicines.
Yes, my both younger kids are thals. thats the challenge you got to accept. and as Andy eptly says Lets give thals the Chance. By the time we came to detect thal. in daughter & know about the disorder my wife was in advance stage of preganancy and we could not do  prenatal tests etc. Eldest daughter was tested subsequently and is fortunately career only.

Andy, till now, I have not been told about the spleen enlargement nor spleenectomy in the case of my son. May be I will ask the doctor in the next visit in two months.

Best Regards.



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Re: advice on spleenectomy
« Reply #61 on: January 31, 2008, 07:34:07 AM »

:welcome to the site Amrit!

The quick recommendation of splenectomy by doctors worries me too. I wonder what makes them so keen to go for it?

Amrit, are your children's spleen malfunctioning too much? What are their other blood counts besides Hb.

If their WBCs and Platelets are too low then splenectomy can help improve these counts along Hb, if not, then something else could be wrong like the Bone Marrow is giving up as your children are now becoming transfusion dependant.
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Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: advice on spleenectomy
« Reply #62 on: February 02, 2008, 09:03:58 PM »
Splenectomy has long been a main treatment for thal intermedia because in many patients, once the spleen is removed, the destruction of red blood cells slows enough that the patients either need less frequent transfusions or no longer need transfusions at all. However, there is no way to predict if this will happen with a specific patient and some who stop transfusing will later need to resume taking blood.

I feel that the health of the spleen should be a big factor in the decision to have a splenectomy. If the patient's spleen is significantly enlarged, I feel it makes much more sense, as the enlargement is dangerous and also evidence that too many red cells are being destroyed. Many patients have improvements in health once their spleen is removed but it is a final decision as there is no putting it back once it's removed, so you must feel very sure that it is the right thing to do.

In this case, a highly respected thal doctor has recommended splenectomy. Since Dr. R.K. Marwaha, who has been a leader in using wheatgrass to raise fetal hemoglobin levels in patients, has recommended splenectomy, I would give it very serious consideration. I do not feel that Dr Marwaha would suggest this unless he felt other methods of raising hemoglobin don't offer much hope of success in raising your daughter's Hb.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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