B Thal Minor and Fatigue

  • 2 Replies
B Thal Minor and Fatigue
« on: January 17, 2008, 02:42:42 AM »
Hi all

I am new here.  I am in my 40s and have had extreme fatigue and tiredness during the last two to three years, and general fatigue all my life.  All I think about now is sleeping. I have a brother has had fatigue for a lot longer.  We both have Thal Minor.  I also have marginal testosterone levels, and testosterone suppliments have not helped much with my fatigue.

I would like to know of any way I can find out for sure if my Thal minor is the reason for my fatigue, and also like to know if there are ways through diet and/or daily suppliments, that can help with this.

Thank you in advance


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: B Thal Minor and Fatigue
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2008, 06:39:50 AM »
Hi rn99,

You may have a hard time finding a doctor that will tell you that your symptoms are related to thal minor, but if you look through the thal minor board here, you will see this is a common experience for many thal minors, especially as they get older. Diet and supplements may be of some help. Folic acid is essential. B-complex, vitamin E and wheatgrass can be of some help. Iron will not help, unless you are coincidentally iron deficient, and cause harm if taken long term. Iron deficiency can be determined only through iron studies and not by hematocrit level. For some suggestions on supplements, see http://www.thalassemiapatientsandfriends.com/index.php?topic=118.0

Read through the threads in the minor section of the site and see what other minors have to say.

It is also very important that if you or your brother have children, that they be tested to see if they carry the thalassemia trait, so they can make wise choices about choosing a mate and having children of their own. Two thal minors can produce a thal major with lifelong dependence on blood transfusions.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: B Thal Minor and Fatigue
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2008, 10:34:15 PM »
Hey Andy


I will look through the threads

Ps My brother has a boy and a girl, his son has thal minor but not his daughter


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