Hi Manal
Really good to hear this. It is true when the lips are pinker, we feel that the hb would hv gone up. However now I have deduced that when Prat wakes in the morning up he is pale and when he is playing and jumping all around his lips are pink and there is some colour inthe cheek as well. I think it is more to do with the blood flow, when they are active. When Dr Marwaha does his clinical observation, he sees Prat's tounge and he is so expereinced that with the tounge' level of pink colour, he can make out his hb is 6 or 7 or above. His judgement has always co incided, with the blood test results.Guess it is his expereince.
Anyways it is good to tht Ahmad is active, cos tht is most important. We will look forward to more updates from you. I wasnt able to speak to Dr Ehmad yet.
Take care n all the best