2nd Update
As you all know, i was supposed to do the second CBC after the treatment on the 20th of February and i did it. The results were terrible because i found out that after taking the blood sample for the CBC , Ahmad started a fever for two days and later cough and running nose started after the fever until now.
The results were:HB------- 5.8
MCV----- 58
MCH----- 20
Bilirubin------ 3 ( the highest he ever reached)
Ret. count---- 6%
The differential count showed lymphocytosis
I was really shocked and took all the results to the doctor who is responsible for this treatment. he told me that infections in general whether viral or bacterial will hinder the progress a little bit as well as any trauma that a body would expierence like accidents, bleeding,...
When i told him that this is hard to deal with as infections at school age is so common and it is impossible to prevent them, and i don't want to end up building in one place and then having just a simple infection destroying everything for me.
He said that even normal persons have there HB affected when they have colds and same applies to Ahmad. He added that the benefit here is that he will re-gain his Hb back quicker than he used to as he is giving him the ready made cells so it will be more easy for the body to increase once more in a short time. So he asked me to do another CBC after 10 days.
TODAY, i did the CBC and the results were:HB ------ 6.9
MCV ---- 56.9
MCH ------19.7
Ret. count -------6.6%
Bilirubin------------ 2.3
In the differential count , there were something called Normoblasts 9/100 WBCs ( this is the first time this appears in the CBC )
So what i can see is that we reached the same end as the last month and thank God that he increased.
From tomorrow the doctors is going to increase the concentration of the shots to give him a jump start after this infection, actually it is still there. It will be given IV for 30 minutes instead of a shot because of the higher concentration and i hope it will go smoothly with Ahmad, i will be in need for your prayers.
One more thing the doctor mentioned today is that he will be taki
ng a blood sample from Ahmad to make a special ''medicne '' for him ( custom made specially for his plazma and will be done in germany) that will boost his immune system a little bit more. He explained that though thal has
nothing to do with the immune system or the formation of white blood cells but all the system of the body get used to work or function at its lower capacity, same as what is happening in the formation of the red blood cells. I really can not explain what he told me,but he said that this will help him to strengthen his immunity in general. This medicne could be formed in the form of shots but under the skin or as drops but the shots are more effective.
That is all for the moment and will be waiting for your feedback