Thanks Sharmin for your concern

Actually the past months Ahmad had several fevers, colds, every thing you can imagine. Actually all of us. each one in the family had a cold and passes it to the other one and the whether too was not very good the last month, you can have the four seasons in one day. So the doctor stopped this treatment as he said that the chemistry of the body changes in fever.
We resumed it two weeks ago and hope to reach anything positive. By the end of this month the doctor want to make an amino acid test and heavy metals to see if there is any defiency that is worsening the thal in an indirect way. He said that if there are deficiency in certain amino acids, we can give them to him so the body can see them and start using them.
I can say that this treatment -if it will work for me- work very slowly and each person reacts according the his own body. We are waiting to see how will the body react.It is as if you are offering the body something and you are just waiting to see will the body recognize and see it and then start to use or it will just be insensitive to it.
But what can tell from now is that i can see that somehow these injections are givng like a jump start to all body functions. I can say this because when we went to the endocrinologist she said that she is till now pleased with the growth till now he is in his normal range and i hope that the velocity of his growth will not decrease. My only problem is that he does not gain weight but she told me that she is more concerned about the height
By the way Ahmad has just changed his lower two teeth and the new ones are at their half way.
Again thank you my friend