Thanks Sah for your concern.

On May 28th we did him the amino acid and heavy metals blood test as his doctor thinks that it might help in this biological treatment. The blood needed for these tests where huge , they withdrew 35 ml ( minimum quantity required ) which is really a big amount and the doctor didn't withdrew them except when he made sure that Ahmad drank a liter and half of fresh juice before the withdrawl ( it was really difficult to convience him to drink all this amount ) He said that without a lot of liquids full of nutrition it could be really dangerous as it may lead to a coma!!!!
Any way it went well, million thanks to God and i will get the result by the mid of June. This test is done in Germany as we don't do it here in Egypt.
So i will postpone the CBC a little bit for a while as i don't want to draw any more blood right now.
Take care