Hi, I am new to the site. I am the mom of two beautiful girls adopted from China. My oldest is 6 1/2 and my youngest is 41/2 and they have susupected she has Thal since she was adopted at 1. It has taken us a long time to get here, but today she finally had tests done to dertermine the type of Thal she has. They suspect she has Alpha Thal, most likely trait. Her bood count seems to run at a steady 11, never higher or lower, but she has a lot of other issues. At 1 she was diagnosied with Asthma, and a number of food allergies. She was also dianosed with what they call undianosed intermiten hives. Which means she get hives on an almost daily basis, numerous time a day, but we have no idea of the cause. She also has geographic tounge, and regualr leg pain. One of her quirks is that she hates to walk. She will start to cry and say her legs are tired after only a very short walk. I really began pushing for some answers this last spring when she appered to have some bruises that would not go away. She sitll has the buises on her shins, they tell me it is nothing, they tell me her leg aches and not wanting to walk any distance are not related. I was just wondering if any other parents of young children have seen this in thier children. THanks Carolyn