About two years back, I found out that I had been infected with the Hep C virus. This was due to an extensive series of tests that I underwent to figure out why my WBC count is always very high (>15,000, corrected). I figure I was infected in the early nineties or late eighties, before the test for Hep C in donor blood was perfected. The RNA testing diagnosed Type III of the virus, with a fair number of copies circulating! However, the good news was that my liver is still pretty much intact!!
I tried one course of the interferon treatment for six months (it's a devilish drug) - but, that did not really help in getting the virus count down. So, I stopped. No point in the medicine killing me, if it can't cure ....

So far, the Hep C has not really affected my lifestyle, except that I now only drink very, very rarely.

If anyone else has any data/advice to share, I am very happy to listen .....