Exjade in India

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Offline Zaini

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Re: Exjade in India
« Reply #30 on: April 19, 2008, 04:02:26 PM »
Really?  :think

As far as i remember,one of our members,Smurfette is on ferriprox only and she has way low ferritin levels,so i thought may be asunra would be more suitable once her ferritin is below 1000,as u know when started,exjade users have always complained about high S.F levels,due to iron being extracted from tissues or something like that,so i thought it would be safe if her ferritin is below 1000.
By the way i don't get it,after three nights of desferal per week and ferriprox thrice daily,her ferritin is showing very small changes,and doctor was asking me of easing the medication,like he said i can do desferal twice a week or ferriprox 5 days a week.i really don't get it.



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Exjade in India
« Reply #31 on: April 19, 2008, 04:09:33 PM »
Aston Dialo is using Exjade and his ferritin is below 600. His dosage may soon be adjusted downward but there is no talk of not using Exjade. There may be a more cautious approach with children. AD is also taking a supplement program, is using milk thistle and exercising. The results have been remarkable. His transfusion requirements have dropped some and usually he is getting one bag of blood, rather than the two he used to take.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: Exjade in India
« Reply #32 on: April 20, 2008, 06:03:09 AM »

I was confusing it with the Chelation starting levels.

My bad. I did hear in the National Thal. Conference that Chelation limit of 1000 S.F is no longer application and they told the doctor accompanying me not to stop the chelation of the patients if their S.F goes down to 1000
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Offline namitha

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Re: Exjade in India
« Reply #33 on: April 20, 2008, 10:58:54 AM »
Hi Andy,

Asunra is available in 100 and 400 mg tablets. A 400 mg tablet costs Rs 110/tablet. I was told that the 100 mg tablet costs around Rs 40/tablet.

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Re: Exjade in India
« Reply #34 on: May 01, 2008, 08:04:13 AM »
Exjade has been launched in india by cipla . I came across it by notice posted in BT centre in pgi chandigarh. cost of medicine is RS 24/250mg and approx 48?500mg tab. c
Do any one of you have any updates on the availability of Exjade in India?
an any one also tell me wether we do need desferal even after takin exjade.


Offline Zaini

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Re: Exjade in India
« Reply #35 on: May 02, 2008, 07:58:16 AM »
Really? has cipla launched their version of exjade,that would be wonderful  :jumping Regarding your question about desferal,Novartis hasn't approved of using exjade with any other chelator,but we have a few members on our forum who are using exjade along with desferal, anyways it depends upon patient's ferritin levels as well.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2008, 08:07:58 AM by ZAINI »


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Re: Exjade in India
« Reply #36 on: June 30, 2008, 05:15:40 AM »

Thanks for pointing me towards this thread - one small correction on kelfer - Ciba-Geigy had the original discovery on L1, but chose not to proceed with the drug, citing problematic issues with the drug. I am not sure if the patent lapsed or not, but Cipla then decided to look at the drug in India, while Apotex did the same in Canada. (BTW, Cipla took it up on the request of a few members of Mumbai Thalassaemic Society, and Cipla's CEO and owner Dr Hamid put his personal weight behind the move). The first trials of Kelfer started in India in 1987, while similar trials started in Canada. Unfortunately, due to a couple of deaths (4, if I remember correctly) in Canada and fears of Kelfer causing liver toxicity and damage, the trials were halted there. Indian trials continued ..... and it was a success. Thanks to the efforts of Sion and J J Hospital, and Dr M B Agarwal among others. But, here we hit a road block - the Indian FDA would not approve the drug as it was not approved by US FDA (original molecule was american, in their view) and the stoppage of the trial in Canada.

Many of us owe a huge debt of gratitude to Ashish here, which can never be repaid - he came up with the idea of going to Delhi and lobbying the health secretary personally. He and a bunch of us did that, with surprising results. The drug was approved but could not be sold OTC but could only be sold through specified channels, and under doctor supervision. The rest, as they say, is history.

Apotex launched the drug in UK about 15 years after it was first made available in India. Canada followed suit after that. I believe US has still not approved it.

A big cost difference that you see in drugs between the US and India is the amount of money that the big pharama cos spend on marketing in the US. Advertising drugs through mass media is banned in India, as it is in many countries. While following the Lipitor trial between Pfizer and India's Ranbaxy, what struck me was that in the past 3 years, Pfizer has spent more on marketing than R&D even if you add the amortised expenses back!!

Oh well ......


Cipla sells Kelfer at cost. Their version of Exjade will apparently also be sold at cost. Kelfer is the same drug as Ferriprox. The difference in price can be attributed to two factors. First, Cipla is selling these meds at the cost of production price. Second, and this is a huge factor, Cipla has none of the costs that Novartis or Apotex incurred in developing these drugs. To put it simply, Cipla is "stealing" patented drugs and counterfeiting them.


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Re: Exjade in India
« Reply #37 on: June 30, 2008, 05:23:14 AM »
To the best of my knowledge, Cipla has not launched "its version" of Exjade in India yet. As I mentioned in another thread, they are studying the new patent laws which India signed up to as part of WTO, which disallows any "copying/reverse engineering" of patented drugs launched after 2005.

I will update the group if I hear anything more.


Really? has cipla launched their version of exjade,that would be wonderful  :jumping Regarding your question about desferal,Novartis hasn't approved of using exjade with any other chelator,but we have a few members on our forum who are using exjade along with desferal, anyways it depends upon patient's ferritin levels as well.


Re: Exjade in India
« Reply #38 on: June 30, 2008, 04:56:08 PM »
Apotex launched the drug in UK about 15 years after it was first made available in India. Canada followed suit after that. I believe US has still not approved it.

A quick correction to the statement above, L1/Kelfer is not approved in Canada. Apotex a Canadian Pharmaceutical company invented the drug but how unfortunate it is not approved and available to the Canadians.



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Re: Exjade in India
« Reply #39 on: July 20, 2008, 06:36:47 AM »
Finally, I have got Deferasirox Dispersable Tablets (250 mg) for my daughter. The brand name of the tablet is Desirox manufactired by CIPLA LTD. It is the equivalent of Exjade (or Asunra as named in India) of  Novartis. She has started taking it from last Saturday only. Let us see the impact after some time. The Cipla's medicine is really low. It is only Rs. 720/- for 30 tablets of 250 mg. You get one box of medicine free when you buy 3 boxes. Like Desferral  or Kelfer it is not available in general Pharmacy Stores / Medicine Shops. You can only get them from Cipla's office against a general prescription by a Haematlogist or a Specialist Paediatrician. For Asunra you have to take a special form from the Haematologist issued by the Distributors of Novartis.

If any one is interested in the leaflet meant for the Patients / Doctors / Lab given along with the medicine then I can scan it and send it across to you.

I have a few queries regarding the usage of the medicines and have posted them in a different string. I hope to get answers from you.

By the way, it is indeed amazing to find that so many people have read and contributed to this string of discussion started by me. I am really thankful to all of you.

Wish you all the very best.
I want to see a definitive cure of Thalassaemia in my lifetime. May God bless all of us.


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Re: Exjade in India
« Reply #40 on: July 20, 2008, 06:53:57 AM »

That is an amazing price.

I'm so happy for you that your child can benefit from it.

Please do upload all the possible leaflets and informative brochures about it.

Wishing you all the best.

Happy chelating! :)
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Re: Exjade in India
« Reply #41 on: July 20, 2008, 08:21:41 AM »
its good to hear that some companys are taking low profit .. and giving the benefits to the patients ... its a humanitarian effort ... keep it up CIPLA and Global pharma ... i personaly pray for both companies that may god send these companies in main stream  line of manufacturing medicines .. and give them strenght and power so that they will b able to make andd launch medicine before novartis and other high profit taking compay ...

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Re: Exjade in India
« Reply #42 on: July 20, 2008, 01:55:25 PM »
It is indeed cheap. Taking the free bottle into a/c, the price is Indian Rs. 18/- per 250 mg tablet.


That is an amazing price.

I'm so happy for you that your child can benefit from it.

Please do upload all the possible leaflets and informative brochures about it.

Wishing you all the best.

Happy chelating! :)
I want to see a definitive cure of Thalassaemia in my lifetime. May God bless all of us.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Exjade in India
« Reply #43 on: July 20, 2008, 02:15:39 PM »
That is great news for Indian thals who have been waiting for Cipla's version of Exjade. Asunra was a step in the right direction but the price was still too high for most people. As it did with kelfer, Cipla has put patients first. This development will prove to be a huge step for Indian thals and will enable a much more normal life for thousands of people. A 30 day dose at a level of 1750 mg/day will be under $100 US.

Let's spread the word so that all Indian patients are aware of this option.  :happyyes

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: Exjade in India
« Reply #44 on: July 20, 2008, 04:02:23 PM »
Can't we import it here :(? I mean by proper prescription and all...?


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