Hi, I'm currently a student at college and a few months ago I decided to get a blood test done that could explain my hair thinning and jaundice. They gave me a typical blood test, which I found out that I have Thalassemia minor. I researched this online and it appeared that it wasn't much of a big deal. I then talked to my parents about it and apparently my mom is also a carrier.
After the first blood test that was done a few months ago, the doctor gave me another one to double check if I had low iron levels and if my thyroid was fine. Test came back and both were fine, however my bilirubin was higher than normal. My doctor said that I may have a case of Gilbert's syndrome but he was not too sure if I did since I had Thalassemia minor. I got an ultrasound of my abdominal area and it was fine; no liver scars or enlarged spleen.
My doctor is currently going to check my testosterone and is referring me to a gastroenterologist to double check if I have any other problems.
During high school I used to have a lot of blackouts that lasted for a few seconds, but I rarely if ever get them now. Other current symptoms that I have include random heart palpitations. Also when I walk up maybe about two stories in a building my heart starts to pound fast. I've also lost a lot of weight during the past year (30lbs).
Thanks for your input.