5. International Thalassemia Summer School - 2008 April 20-24

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Offline TyPhOoN

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    • Turkish Thalassemia Patients and friends
5. International Thalassemia Summer School - 2008 April 20-24
« on: January 31, 2008, 11:58:38 AM »
Hi All, I from Antalya, Turkey. I 30 years old and I have Thal Major.
5. International Thalassemia Summer School will be 20-24 April 2008 in Kemer, Antalya, Turkey by Turkish Thalassemia Federation.

I went to other 3 thalassemia summer school and this organization very useful for us. There was a lot of patient and some with parents, a lot of guest, lot of special doctor came from different country.

I want to add link 5. Thalassemia Summer School introductory web site click http://www.talasemi.org/2008yazokulu/eng/index.htm

I will be there and I want to meet you.

Main Topics for 5. Thalassemia Summer School

1-Thalassemia And Hemoglobinopathies Prevention Programs
2-The Genetics Of Thalassemia And Hemoglobinopathies
3-Prenatal Diagnosis In Thalassemia
4-Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis In Thalassemia
5-Transfusion Problems
6-Iron Overload And Chelation Therapy
7-Complications And Management
8-Sickle Cell Anemia
9-Transplantation And Problems
10-Psychosocial Problems
11-Courses For First Step Centers

for more information http://www.talasemi.org/2008yazokulu/eng/index.htm
« Last Edit: February 22, 2008, 11:31:20 AM by TyPhOoN »


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