Hi everyone!
We are the parents of a 16 month old girl with a hemoglobin H disease. My husband and I found out that our little angel has this kind of disease just before christmas last year. When the doctor told us about our child's illness, we spent time researching on it. That is how we found this wonderful site. Not only do we get useful informations on the site, but by reading all the messages made us realize that there are actually people out there who cares. And this gave us strength and hope.
Our child is on a folic acid medication right now to maintain her current hemoglobin level. Her hematologist told us that her hemoglobin level will not come up to the normal level but she just want to maintain our child's current hemoglobin level or better if it goes up by giving our child the folic acid.
I hope to share with you and learn more about this disease.
-Jon and Tet