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Offline Zaini

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« on: February 16, 2008, 07:42:18 AM »

Pardon me, i didn't know what i was talking about when i said i haven't ever heard about stem cell therapy, i was just searching for some more information about retrodifferentiation and i came across this.


Stem Cell Therapy Procedure

The actual procedure consists of inserting a fistula needle in a peripheral line. Should vene-puncture in the peripheral line not be possible, a central venous pressure (CVP) line in the format of an inner jugular line, a sub-clavian line or a femoral line, depending on the patient’s age, size condition and indication, is inserted into the patient using local anesthesia and a return catheter into the opposite arm." This is done by our qualified ICU doctor / anesthetists. The CVP line is then hooked into an apheresis machine (GAMBRO COBE Spectra) which separates a volume of the patient's blood into 3 parts: Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells and Platelets. The Red Blood Cells and Platelets are returned to the patient immediately via the machine. A small volume of the White Blood Cells depending on the patient's age, weight, height, size and condition are taken and converted into pluripotent stem cells via a process of Retrodifferentiation (addition of a monoclonal antibody to a particular cell surface contact receptor). These cells are then given a direction to re-differentiate into the required cell type (progenitors). After the require time of incubation, the stem cells are then washed in a GAMBRO COBE 2991 Cell Processor and re-infused into the patient. The whole process takes between 6 and 8 hours. The CVP line is removed an hour later and the patient is then monitored for a period of 24 to 48 hours and then discharged.

Therapy Side Effects

There have been no negative side effects in any of the 86 patients that have undergone this treatment for various diseases. There have been very positive side effects such as the curing of Psoriasis in patients with Aplastic Anaemia. Patients have a higher energy level after the procedure as compared to before the procedure
Regulatory Approvals

The procedure is not FDA or EMEA approved as yet. Data from the human studies in Pakistan has been compiled and prepared for submission to EMEA and the FDA shortly.

Patients Treated To-Date

The total number of patients that have been treated using Retrodifferentiated Stem Cell Therapy since March 1, 2005 are as follow:


We treated 28 patients in Beta Thalassaemia Major who required between 2 and 7 blood transfusions in a 2 month period with iron overload measured by Ferritin ranging from 1250 to 11,300.  90 days following the treatment their blood transfusion requirements fell to between 1 and 3 transfusions.  Their serum Ferritin levels fell to normal levels WITHOUT the use of any chelating agent such as Desferal or Feriprox.  Their distended stomachs reduced in size indicating organ repair and normalization.  Thalassaemia Major is a genetic disease in which the patient's red blood cells break down.  The only treatment known is to transfuse the patients with cross matched blood.  Transfusion may lead to the patient getting viruses in unscreened blood and additional iron from the donor.  This iron overload is what eventually kills the patients.  Average life of patients is between 7-10 years. 

Thalassaemia Intermedia
This is milder form of Thalassaemia Major.  The patient has recovered without requiring more than one transfusion in a 10 month period.  The patient was sickly and bed ridden every two weeks due to weakness.  10 months later, he has gained weight and does not require any transfusion or chelating agents of any kind. 

Sickle Cell Anaemia
This is milder form of Thalassaemia.  The patient has recovered requiring only one transfusion in a 7 month period.  The patient was sickly and tired every two-three weeks due to weakness.  In this 7 month period, he has gained weight and does not require any transfusion or chelating agents of any kind. 

And do you wanna know how much does it cost for thals? In between 6 to 8000 Pakistani rs,Isn't it too good to be true?OR IS IT TRUE?

Please do visit this site.



Offline §ãJ¡Ð ساجد

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« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2008, 08:17:33 AM »
Hi Zaini,

This is the retro-differentiation process that Tri Stem had been experimenting here with my cousin's colleague. Now they have gone underground (or abroad) and it is no longer done in public.  ???

I hope Manal can catch up with their experts in Egypt to let know about the public availibilty of the project and feasibility as it is a treatment and not a cure as it extends the transfusion period.
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Offline Zaini

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« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2008, 06:00:04 PM »
Hi Sajid,

I called them today and they didn't say any such thing,and plus i saw an update on another forum according to which our president Musharraf himself presided their launching ceremony,so i hope they are not underground,and i don't know but if you visit their site,they have two seprate sections,one is about stem cell therapy and another is about retrodifferentiation,and as far as i remember when in the very beginning we went to meet them,that person told us that the cost of per session for retrodifferentiation is about 3 to 4 lacs, where as stem cell therapy is concerned,the cost showed on site is 6000 t0 8000,anyways i am going to search about it as much as i can.



Offline Andy Battaglia

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« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2008, 06:11:43 PM »
If you read through the FAQ section, you will see that

How long will it be before your technology is available to patients?
Retrodifferentiated Stem Cell Therapy to treat various disorders is available now at Park Lane Hospital in Karachi, Pakistan.   Very shortly there will be another location opened in the Caribbean. Please call or send an e-mail about opening date of the second facility.

Apparently, this therapy is now available in the country where it was first developed.  :biggrin

I would hope that some of our members in Pakistan will contact them directly and ask about their success rates and how long patients are able to skip transfusions after the process has been done. In fact, please feel free to invite a representative from the company to join our site and present their information, just as has been done in the past with the people from Ferriscan.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Zaini

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« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2008, 06:20:21 PM »
Hi Andy,

Yes i am going to do that, just let me get hold of this person, he is out of country right now, this hospital is not so far from my place, infact i see it on daily basis on my way to pick my son from school.Let's hope for better.



Offline Danielle

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« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2008, 10:30:41 PM »
If this is legitimate, I'm leaving for Pakistan tomorrow!  :rotfl


Offline Sharmin

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« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2008, 11:43:59 PM »
ME TOO!!! :biggrin :biggrin


Offline Zaini

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« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2008, 07:19:42 AM »
Hey Danielle and Sharmin,You are wlcome to Pakistan anyway, :hugfriend :hugfriend

Just land here and we girls will have fun  :wink

Do pray that this is legitimate,unfortunately there are holidays here due to elections,just pray that nothing goes wrong then everything will be back to normal on wednesday and i'll be able to continue hunting for these people  :rotfl.



Offline §ãJ¡Ð ساجد

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« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2008, 07:31:17 AM »
Hi Zaini,

The Musharraf inauguration was before when I got to know that they got sacked as it was the article (with picture of Mushy grinning from ear to ear) that prompted me to ask my cousin about the details. He broke the sad news to me that they had failed the experiment and some subjects expired and the team went underground (even changed names) and gone to middle east.

Well, that was years ago and something I bet they won't mention now. I sure hope that they have improved their technology with the re education they got from mid-east.

Time to make my cousin's cell phone choke again with calls and messages :plot
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Offline Zaini

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« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2008, 08:03:01 AM »
Just do it my friend, gt the latest news,and when i 'll be able to get someone from them to talk to, i'll refer to what you said,years ago when i met them,i didn't know much about the mechanism of thalassemia, but now by the Grace of God and with the help of this wonderful forum i know atleast enough to ask basic question.I hope i'll be able to persuade mr Tariq Mumtaz to join the forum and answer our question,that reminds me that when we met he told us that he was not even a doctor himself,but a former banker,and at that time he was working as spokesperson for Dr Ilham. And believe me he was a very persuading kind of talker.:) He knew so much about thalassemia and other diseases they are claiming they can cure with this therapy.



Offline Zaini

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« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2008, 08:19:09 AM »
Hi again :)

Due to election holidays, i have a bit more time to my hand, so i am continuously searching more and more about this therapy on net,and while searching i found that when an advertisement was placed by tristem in a leading news paper here in Karachi,a doctor from a well known hospital in Karachi sent his concern to the news paper.

I WOULD like to share my concerns, both as physician and bioethicist, about an advertisement that appeared in a section of the press last week. A private company has advised hospitals that it has machines available for stem cell therapy to treat thalassaemia and other diseases by employing oretro differentiation technology.

With its choice of words, intentional or otherwise, this advertisement is liable to lead lay people to the mistaken conclusion that a cure has been found for thalassaemia (and other unnamed diseases).

At the same time, it lays open the door for unwitting and unscrupulous healthcare professionals to exploit this public misunderstanding.

In the absence of ethical guidelines, negligible oversight processes at institutional and national levels, and lack of regulation of healthcare services, it is not difficult to imagine a proliferation of clinics and hospitals promising desperate patients treatments for all manner of illnesses by using stem cells.

Another concern is that it adds to the hype, generally nurtured by commercial interests, that presents stem cell biotechnology as the panacea for all human ills. Recent advances in adult and embryonic stem cell research hold great promise, but their translation into safe clinical application is some years away.

This is not to imply that in specific areas stem cells are not already playing a part in treating certain diseases. As an example, following years of carefully controlled clinical trials, adult stem cell (bone marrow) transplantation is accepted as a therapeutic modality for acquired conditions such as leukaemia and certain blood disorders.

Thalassaemia, on the other hand, is a genetic disorder, and any measure that does not alter the inherited genetic defect cannot be considered therapeutic in nature. To date, there is no research, let alone clinical examples, or scientific publication, that I am aware of in which this has been accomplished using retro- or de-differentiated adult stem cells.

Controlled clinical research trials are under way in some countries to test adult stem cell capacity to repair/regenerate heart muscles and nerve tissue. But these are clearly categorized as research, not presented as established therapy. These trials are undertaken only after rigorous review and approval by institutional research committees, require full disclosure of the nature and risks of the research to the patient, and his or her voluntary consent to serve as subject for the study.

None of these mechanisms are in place in Pakistan, leaving our public at great risk of exploitation.

Professor and Chairperson,
Centre of Biomedical Ethics and Culture, SIUT,

And after a few days a reply came from Dr Ilham's spokesperson ,

THIS has reference to Dr Farhat Moazzam’s letter “Stem cell therapy” (Sept 24).

I am disappointed at the attitude of senior medical healthcare professionals towards the introduction of cutting-edge, innovative and low-cost medical technologies that may alleviate suffering and benefit patients for whom there is very little hope in conventional medicines/medical treatments.

I am particularly surprised at the “grave concern” expressed by Dr Moazzam on the advertisement placed in Dawn on Sept 11. Not one of the doctors and/or professors of medicine who have been criticizing the pioneering new, patented and validated technology, including Dr Moazzam, appear to have made the effort to actually contact the doctors involved in the project or directly to get further information on retrodifferentiated stem cell therapy and its benefits.

None of the eminent doctors have gone to TriStem Corporation’s website ( or (search word “Ilham Abuljadayel”) to try and get information on the history of this technology and/or the scientific research conducted by Dr Ilham Abuljadayel since 1990. Instead, they are criticizing a revolutionary technology and may be discouraging terminally-ill patients (with no conventional medical options) to look at stem cell therapy.

At no point in time have any of our advertisements claimed a “cure” for any/all diseases. We have advertised a “treatment” of diseases in which conventional medicine has either been ineffective or does not have a treatment.

In Beta Thalassaemia Major, a genetic disorder for which Dr Moazzam has claimed that nothing is possible using retrodifferentiation, our results (verified by two independent laboratories including the Aga Khan University Hospital Lab) show a significant decrease in transfusion requirements and a drop in iron load as measured by Serum Ferritin “without” any chelation within a period of 1.2 weeks.

In every discussion with inquiring patients, we have advised all parties involved on the nature of this new treatment.

We plan to present the benefits of retrodifferentiated stem cell therapy and the results obtained thus far through an open seminar for all concerned to be held in Karachi very shortly and publish the findings to-date in the appropriate forum.


I know i am posting too much about this, but i am just trying to find a ray of hope.



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« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2008, 08:24:25 AM »

Stem cell therapy

For the first time, more than 25 thalassaemic patients in Pakistan were recently treated with their own stem cells, reducing the blood transfusion frequency and lowering their iron overload considerably.

Dr Ilham Saleh Abuljadayel — a Saudi-born, UK-based cellular biologist — and Dr Huma Qureshi, director of the Pakistan Medical and Research Council, last week made public the findings of the study, involving a total of 28 patients, at the Orthopaedic and Medical Institute (OMI) in Karachi.

On the occasion, Dr Ilham said the autologous stem cell therapy introduced reduced the dependence of thalassaemic people on blood transfusion by up to 70 per cent, without the need for an HLA matched donor, growth factors and invasive surgery.

“We have witnessed significant reduction in their (patients’) iron overload as measured by serum ferritin by between 15 and 50 per cent without the use of any form of chelation in a span of 4 to 12 weeks,” she said.

The stem cell therapy Dr Ilham has devised is presently being applied to treat aplastic anaemia, leukemia, sickle cell anaemia, spinal cord injury, type-I diabetes, muscular dystrophy, Alzheimer, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, motor neuron disease and heart disease.

According to Dr Ilham, a team of doctors at OMI has applied the stem cell technology to a 24-year-old diabetic girl, who started synthesizing her own insulin within four weeks of the treatment. “It is amazing as her insulin requirement dropped significantly and her eczema disappeared too.”

President Pervez Musharraf was the chief guest at the reception at which the new treatment was formally introduced to the media as well as the medical community.


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« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2008, 05:07:11 AM »
Thank you Zaini, I so hope that this therapy works.
 :pray :pray :pray :pray :pray :pray :pray


Offline Danielle

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« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2008, 09:14:55 AM »
Hey Danielle and Sharmin,You are wlcome to Pakistan anyway, :hugfriend :hugfriend
Just land here and we girls will have fun  :wink

Thanks, Zaini.  That would be awesome.  :biggrin

I know i am posting too much about this, but i am just trying to find a ray of hope.

You are not posting "too much" at all.  Thank you for the information. :hugfriend


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« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2008, 12:10:45 PM »

I am extremely sorry for this late reply, but my laptop was and is out of order,right now i am on my kid's PC ,It's kinda weird  using a PC after a long time,pardon me for typing mistakes as i have to wrestle with their keyboar to type  :mad

After the election holidays wre over,i tried calling healthcare intl again, i was told that Mr Tariq Mumtaz is out of country but i can talk to his assistant,after callong so many times i was able to get his assistant on phone,who like Mr Tariq Mumtaz is not a dr,He asked me about Zainab's illness and that from where did i find their reference,i told him an asked him that what is the progress of thal major patients they are treating,he said they are generally in better condition,i told him that my main concern is stopping transfusions as they have claimed so on their website, but he told me that transfusions are not stopped,it never happened with any of their patients,i was so startled ,i said but it's written on your website ? and he was simply like no it didn't happen,i told him that i still want to meet Tariq Mumtaz ( i was thinking about pinning him down on this infoirmation oir claims made on his site) but he told me that i'l have to pay rs 3000 just to visit him , i said why would i pay such an amount of money when i don't even have a proof that your treatment is working,can you give any contact numbers of any of your patients, he said yes,and after 2 days i.e today he caled me and gave me the numbers.

I haven't caled these numbers yet,it has happened to me before,when few years ago i met them they gave me the numbers and when i called those numbers, the parents of those kids were so poor and illiterate that they din't even know what is ferritin.i don't know if there are the same kids but i will call them ,although i am not very hopeful.

Sorry to misguide you all.



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