Thal minors relationship to food

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Offline jade

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Thal minors relationship to food
« on: February 26, 2008, 01:51:02 PM »

I would like to have some information from you.  I wanted to know thal minors relationship to food. Do children with thal minor eat normally or do they prefer not to eat?

Do they have problems in achieving the normal weight or not?

In infancy, do children with thal minor vomit?

I am asking these questions because I have enormous problems in nourishing my children.  my daughter started vomitting after each feed by 6 months old.  It took one year before she stopped vomitting but unfortunately she lost weight and could never go back to normal weight.  My son eats at times well but at times he does not feel like eating at all. His has the minimum weight for his age.

Re: Thal minors relationship to food
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2008, 07:22:53 PM »
I have a Thal major and a Thal minor child.

Typically, a thal major child would vomit after each meal when he/she reaches the age of six months (I have read somewhere the medical reason for that and will try to get that information). My daughter had a projectile vomit after each meal when she was six months old; until we started the blood transfusion. She attained regular weight soon after the commencement of blood transfusion and eats okay.

My son is not a good eater and I am not sure if this is related to thal minor. I guess every child is different in his/her eating habits. We never looked from thal point of view. On the contrary, we have seen many thal major/minor children eating well.


Offline EMommy

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Re: Thal minors relationship to food
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2008, 02:44:18 AM »
Our daughter would vomit in the past when her hgb was low.  She is Thal major though.
I hope you get some answers...
Mom to 4- Two Beta Thal Major (chosen)


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