I hope that your daughter's blood test results are reflecting the recent cold she experienced. I hope that everything is okay - please keep us posted on her condition Andy.
Zaini, I am glad that the gripe water seems to have eased Zainab's stomach aches. Our doctor has told us that stomach aches are one of the most common complaints in children - and can occur often as children grow. He said that they are rarely a cause for concern - especially when the child points the belly button when asked where the ache is.
The doctor felt that the dizziness last week may have been due to the sudden drop in hg- whereas usually his hg drops gradually - the antibody caused a sudden drop this time. My concern has been the continued dizziness and shakiness after the nice gradual transfusion yesterday and the higher dose of prednisone he began yesterday. I wonder if the sensation of blocked ears and dizziness are related. Could he have an inner ear viral infection? (When the doctors checked his ears they appeared clear).
The pains always affect a diffent part of the body - feet, shins, arms, back, hands, ankles. When the doctors checked him they both felt that in the absence of swelling, the short duration of the pain - which is always changing to a different location, and no pain when limbs are touched - they don't think that it is serious.
In the past few days two doctors have checked him head to toe, telling me that he looks extremely healthy. The first doctor, who did not know about his thalassemia before I told him, swore that he would not know that this child has any type if illness if I did not tell him. I was happy to hear this. I do however have this boy sitting next to me telling me that he feels weak, dizzy, shaky and at the moment his feet hurt. He has not been in school for 3 days - and he loves school - he is currently missing a field trip which he has looked forward to for a long time - I know that he must feel terrible when he said that he did not feel strong enough to go and remarked how disappointed he was. I hope that things get better soon.
I hope also that Zainab and Andy's daughter feel better soon too.