hi again nick,
i lived in london for awhile myself and went to UCH hospital in london and saw prof Dr Porter,he was fantastic and very knowledgeable in thal,your right he told me exjade is thru funding by local health funding.Take care,all the best.
Hello again sydneygirl,

Strangely enough I was originally registered to go on the exjade trials at the UCH around 5 years ago. Can't remember off the top of my head the lady in charge, I'm not sure if I saw Dr Porter but have seen him at the odd UKTS conference that I attended - that's if I kept my eyes open

. I did all the tests i.e. eyes, ears, liver biopsy etc. Only to find I was disqualified from the trial because my ferritin then was too low!!
Then again the best things come to those that wait.
All the best to you, sorry to hear about your brother.