Thanks so much, Andy.
I'm still confused as ever by my doctor, but you are a lifesaver!!!!!!!

As I mentioned earlier, I was thinking of going to a hemo cause I wasn't feeling confident about my doctor's diagnosis or that she was really listening to me about the way I have been feeling lately, especially when I get sick.
Anyway, I did want to give her the benefit of the doubt so I was waiting to talk to her after she sent me a copy of the bloodwork which said I had a thalassemia trait and that I should eat iron-rich food but that there was no need for iron tablets.
So, I still wanted to talk to her because it didn't DEAL with what brought me to the doctor in the first place, didn't tell me much or say anything about my low platelet count.
Strike one: She didn't tell me about genetic counseling AT. ALL. Had I not read about it on this site and others, I would have no clue. She said if I got pregnant, I should discuss with my gynecologist because of high incidences of anemia in pregnant women, but that was it.
Strike two: When I asked about my symptoms and the problems I have been having when I was sick, she told me I should eat iron rich foods AND take iron supplements (which of course confused me because of what she said on the initial report and what I had read about iron supplements and thal. So I looked at my ferritin reading and said, " So 19.2 is a low ferrritin level?" and she said, yes, we like to see it in the seventies or eighties. So you should take iron tabs. Now, if I am reading what you wrote correctly, it seems I shouldn't-
TRFN 300
IRON 128
TIBC 420
Ferritin 19.2
Strike three: When I asked about my low platelets, she said, yeah they shouldn't be that low and it was strange they dropped so much since my last blood test and I should have them checked again. But that was only because I asked.
I reallly appreciate all of the help. Right now it seems this site is my best source of information. I'm very unsettled by that convo, but I am thankful for the information I have gotten here.