Hi Everyone!
Some of you may know that we have a daughter with Thal major whom we adopted from China. So, I took a crash course in Thalassemia and I have been learning as much as I can over the past year and a half. Soon, we will bring home another daughter with Thal major from China.
I am wondering if Thal patients often have problems with transfusions.
I took our daughter in the other day and everything seemed to be going ok. Then I noticed that the blood seemed to be going in too fast. I always ask the nurses a lot of questions, so I knew from experience that her rate for getting blood is about 30 ml per hour. But, the nurse had set her to receive 110 mls/hour by mistake.
So, our daughter ended up receiving about half of the (322 ml) bag, 160mls of blood instead of the 100 mls total that she should have received. Also, she got that amount of blood in about 1 1/2 hours instead of the 3 hours that she usually gets transfused. (For some reason they waste the excess blood - I have no idea why)
My question is what could happen especially if I had not noticed that there was a problem?
The nurse was really trying to get me to leave in a hurry and telling me not to worry.
I decided that they were not getting off that easy, so I called the hemo and told him what had happened. He very nonchalantly told me that I need to be watching for signs of stroke or heart attack. My daughter seemed to be ok, except she had a slight fever, she wouldn't drink liquids and she was very hyperactive.
On another occasion, the line was infused and the nurses thought that I was being overprotective because our daughter was crying hysterically during a transfusion. I told them to stop the transfusion and check her line. They kept telling me that everything was fine, but they checked her to appease me. Well, of course I was right and they had to run her line again.
Now, there are at least 2 nurses who are NOT allowed to touch our daughter!!
I just love our little girl so much and I am so protective of her.

I am always trying to do my very best to advocate for her and make sure that she has the life that she deserves. It scares me that the nurse could make such a basic mistake.
By the way, our little princess will turn ***2*** on Monday!! She is growing up so fast.