i m keen to get my daughter's (Maira)HLA TYPING soon but just tell me that in which country i should go for BMT as here in our country Pakistan the results are not most successful then India or Italy or America or other countries.I have heard that India and Italy have quite good an dsuccessful results of BMT.Can u please suggest me more about it
I understand your concern regarding the success ratio. In India, there is quite a few number of cases which have been successful. I am NOT sure about Italy or America. Also, in India I have heard success of BMT from CMC(Christian Medical College) Hosptial in Vellore, Tamilnadu. They I think have a success ratio of around 73%. But, that again depends on the patients age. According to what i have learnt and readers do correct me if I am wrong - The younger the patient the better the chances are of success. For Maria - the chances of success might be more. The cases in Pakistan where you have heard about failures, did you check if they were older patients or younger patients? BMT is more risker in older patients.
Secondly what would be the expenses as per your calculations?
The approx. cost they sent me was around Rs. 10,00,000
These figures are approximate and depend on :
The disease
The age and weight of the patient
The post transplant complications
An uncomplicated transplant in a 12kg child can cost Rs.5 lakhs while serious complications (infections or graft versus host disease) after transplant can increase the case to cost as much as Rs.20 lakhs, mainly because of costs related to prolonged hospitalization, immunosuppressive drugs (ATG/ALG), antibiotics, transfusions and parenteral nutrition
As you can see above, the cost varies on the transplant and can range from Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 20 lakh. and depends on how well the transplant goes.
But, the first thing you might want to think of is get Maira and Marium's HLA match up. This is the first step for the BMT option. If that does NOT match, you can also get your wife and your HLA type and see if it matches with Maria's HLA type. Get the HLA match done in Pakistan and then think of where you might want to get the BMT done. Friends from Pakistan can lead you to where the HLA match up can be done or ask the center where Maria gets Blood transfusions and they will be able to guide you.
Just an FYI, the HLA typing test costs around Rs. 7350