any idea about food that include all the vitamins which are required for thal mi

  • 3 Replies
Hi every body,

i want to know about the food habits that includes the all the vitamins and remove the excess iron.

i have read all the articals posted by andy those are very helpful but my concern is insted of taking all the suplements  everyday,why dont we include in the food habits( what kind of vegetables or nonveg and fruits have to eat more to get the allthe benifits giving by the suplements).

Why am asking above is in india most of the people are poor to buy all the suplements to take daily and usually they wont prefer to take suplents as tablets.

if anybody know about this please help us to maintain quality life.


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Hi Venkat,

The key is to have a healthy balanced diet with the exception of Iron according to your situation. If your S.F is low then you should not be concerned.

Just eat healthy, get plenty of fresh air and exercise and stay happy with your family.

If you really want to be geeky about what's in your food; then you can search here:

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Offline Ginni

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in india most of the people are poor to buy all the suplements

I disagree. Its not that most of them are poor to buy,  but more than that its the psychology to prefer natural diets like fruits and vegetables over these suppliments.

Even the people of the upper class society who can easily afford these suppliments prefer to have dietary medication rather than taking suppliments.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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A good diet is essential and whole natural foods should be used over processed foods which lose much of their nutritional value. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and legumes, are all good sources of vitamins and minerals. However, because of the physical stresses on the cells from the unnatural state of iron overload that is part of thal and the oxygen depletion that comes with lower than normal hemoglobin levels, it becomes essential to supplement certain vitamins beyond what is possible through diet alone. Some prime examples are folic acid, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D. I have visited India twice and been to Dubai three times and also to the Maldives, and in spite of the intense sun in these places, many people, not only thals, become deficient in vitamin D because they get very little exposure to direct sunlight. Long sleeves and long pants prevent sun from reaching most of the body. A study done in UAE found that most women were significantly deficient in vitamin D because they cover most of their skin when outside. Even something that seems as readily available as vitamin D from the sun, is not being taken in sufficient quantities to prevent deficiency. The natural diets in these countries does a lot to provide more than adequate nutrition when followed, but for thals, it still isn't enough in most cases. 2/3 of thal majors studied showed severe deficiency of vitamin E.

A good diet does much but with thal it still isn't enough. Supplementation is necessary in most cases of thal major. Thal minors may be able to get most of what they need through diet but sufficient quantities of folic acid and vitamin E are difficult to obtain from diet alone. If you eat a wholly natural diet you may be fine, but in today's world of over processed foods, it can be quite difficult.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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