Hi Sibby,
I have thal intermedia, and the last few years I was getting a lot of palpitations, or what the doctor called premature beats. I don't care what they call them, they are annoying and scary. I would get them for days at at time. My doctor said they were OK to have. They didn't seem OK to me. You may be having something different. I got them when I was really tired or my hemoglobin was low. I did a stress test and echo, and and my heart was OK, but a little enlarged from working harder due to having thalassemia. I haven't had the weird beats for awhile now.
Did you have any tests done? Did your doctor suggest doing a Holter monitor? That's where they put some electrodes on you and hook you up to this little monitoring device and you press a button when you feel an irregular beat. You wear this for 24 hours and then they take it off and analyze the data. It's a good idea to get your heart checked out if you are having palpitations. Good luck! Jean