In reading these posts, I continue to come across the issue of doctors and their indifference to thalassemia minor. I have encountered that myself in the past; however, I'm seeing a HEMATOLOGIST for the first time next Friday (5/2).
Perhaps I have my hopes up a little too high, but I'm hoping this is the right guy for me. If a hematologist doesn't understand and sympathize, what doctor will??? (Plus, he's Greek, so I'm thinking he must have a little more insight into this.)
Are you guys being blown off by your GP's (internists, primary care doctors) AND hematologists???
Putting the thalassemia minor aside, wouldn't one's hemoglobin and related levels be enough evidence to point to why the patient feels so badly?
I gotta say, if he pooh-poohs me, I'm going to be sorely disappointed.....
Also, for those who have been to hematologists, what do they do upon the first visit?
Thanks, as always.
You guys are great......