Hello everyone!
I am a 30 year old woman based in the UK. I have struggled for years with chronic anemia and have taken iron supplements on and off as directed by my Dr. I have been taken an Iron supplement for 6 months and my Hg and ferritn levels have actually fallen in that time rather then improved. I went to my Doctor the other day and was given the results of a full blood test. I was not given a copy to take away so I cannot give exact values but what I can remember is that my hemoglobin was low at around 10, my ferritin levels were undetectable, my MCH was at 23 I think when it should be at 27 and the doctor also said that my red blood cells were fewer and smaller than they should be. He then suggested I could have the Thalassemia trait as my blood profile would concur with a diagnosis of Thalassemia. He said that there was nothing that could be done for this apart from upping my doesage of Iron and have me come in for blood tests every 12 weeks from now on to keep and eye on things. He said the only problem with Thalassemia was if I had a child with someone else who also carried the gene that the child could be very ill but that the chances of that were small and not to worry.
The doctor who is my GP and not a specialist did mention that this disorder (?) is more common in people of certain ethic backgrounds e.g. mediterranean. I am white celtic / anglo-saxon apart from my paternal grandfather who was Jewish (and of unknown origin). The doctor did not suggest any further tests other than regular blood tests.
Is it possible for a doctor to tell just from a full blood test if a person has Thalassemia or should I request some other form of testing?
I have a long running history of poor health with no real diagosis. In particular I suffer from severe classic migraine, IBS, acne, genral poor imunity and poor powers of recovery, shingles, I have a history of depression, extreme fatigue, low blood pressure, chest pains and palpitations, mental fog/slowness, dizzy spells, numbness and tingling in my hands and lower legs and feet, and nausea. I also gain weight very easily.
I have had a colonoscopy, my heart checked, my thyroid and organ function checked but everything comes back okay apart from my blood counts. Could all these conditions be related to anemia / thalassemia?
Basically I don't really know what to do or if I really even have thalassemia minor. I guess all I can do is to take the iron and go back for the tests in 12 weeks.
Any advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
Many thanks,

I just wanted to add that my fatigue is so bad that I have only been able to work part time for the last 4 years while my father who has Lymphoma ( a blood cancer) continues to work full time. I am so tired now that I am nearly falling asleep while I type this ...I need to go for a lie down now!
Note: I am also a Vegetarian and have been for 20 years however I eat a healthy varied diet.