With my first homeopathy medicine(1994-95) severity of cold, sneezing and watery eyes was unsustainable and those were my engineering years. It started affecting my daily routine and engineering studies. I had to stop it without ensuring if it is working or not.
My second attempt to Homeopathy began in 2001 with a lady doctor in Mumbai downtown. She would take raw base powder and put several droplets in it and mix it and give me small portions to consume daily. Hemoglobin boosted temporarily from 8.6 to 9.2. I stopped taking medicine due to inconvenience of procuring it.
My third attempt to Homeopathy began in March 2017 with a practicing MD Homeopath who has cured my sister's husband in 2001-2002 of high uric acid. He asked my sister's husband to stop visiting him conforming him that "your uric acid issue has been solved and cured permanantly and no need to visit again"
So out of compulsion I decided to try him for curing my uric acid problem. During those visits the Allopaths caused complications in me due to Febuxostat and Allapurinol grounding me on bed. I visited the MD Homeopath doctor 8 or 9 times in 7 months. With falling health in Sep-2017 and no relief from my daily finger and wrist joint pains, I decided to stop visiting him.
CONCLUSION: I am a no-nonsense patient, I need drugs and medicines that cause no bad reaction to my body and I need medicines from all pathies that will quickly show me results that I am looking for.
Results I am looking for:
1) Reduce my spleen size no matter what it takes in any pathy, it is now paining too much on left side when I sleep
2) Repair my bone marrow and ask my bone marrow to produce larger rounder better quality red cells
3) Stabilise my Hb at 11.0, my elder sister is beta thal minor and her Hb yday came out 11.3 and LFT is normal, MCV is at 64
4) Reduce my uric acid to below 6 levels with no joint pains any single morning
5) Reduce bilirubin in liver it is causing quite discomfort
6) Increase energy levels post 5pm
7) Reduce the pigment calculi size in gall bladder
Only two concerns are biggest and priority for me today, reduce or vanish all joint pains in morning due to high uric acid and stabilise my Hb at 11.0 g/dl so that I can breathe normally during the day.
The sitting with MD Hematologist on 28-Sep-2017 was good for assuring me but it has postponed my next visit to them for another 1 year. Both the brothers (Hemat and Cardio) felt nothing was wrong with me and symptoms are common to Intermedia.
My experiment with Homeopathy continues.