Hi All ,
Back to the toic of this threa :
i just removed the Canula (a kind of needle that used for IV injection for long period ) after having a complete week of IV desferal at home , yup straight 8 days 24 hour chelation . i administrated that at home after getting pricked the needle from a male nurse who work's at our Family Doctor's clinic ... here's the complete scene ...
at the night of friday 16 may i went tothe clinic of our faily doctor to get canula pricked from the old staff member of that clinic bcoze he is good at pricking canula ... i went there and after getting pricked the canula i came back to home and had 40 desferal vials in just 8 days ( a whole week ) at home , i administrated desferal on my own .. i kept the canula running 24 hours a day to avoid clots and blockage in the needle .. that's why canula was still in fine running condition when i decided to remove ( BTW, i removed that canula ) ... i never been admited in hospital for only having desferal/chelation ... i always managed that at home after getting pricked to nearest clinic ( our Family doc's clinic is near by our home ) .... i dont like to stay at hospital for only this hehe

coze according to " an apple a day keep's doctor away, but if the doctor is cute forget the fruit " and there's no cute doctor there at the nearest hospitals

... anywayz, it was 4th or 5th IV sessiion since january .. i started IV desferal in january when 1st Andy and a few other members sugested me to start IV desferal bcoze i was having the symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure .. i tried this and found that this method is very good at quickly lowering iron level .. you can read all the story abt previous sessions and Fe test results in previous posts of this thread ...
OKEY , now about how i managed it at home :
as i know that my daily Desferal dose is 5 vials a day , i kept the drip runing all the day on slow rate to infuse exactly 5 vials in exact 24 hours ,
e.g : i started chelation at 11 pm i will take only 5 vial untill 11pm next day and then when first day's dose got finished i attached the other drip for the next 24 hour's chelation ...
its easy and same nurses managed that at hospital , but for the people who have the history of alergy to the desferal i will recommend for them to don't try this at home ...
i hope i discussed the all aspects and explained everything abt administrating Desferal at home , if i missed something then please let me know i will try my best to answer that as well as i can ...
Feel free and dont hesitate to ask if you have any questions in your mind , do ask that if you have any ..
Note : i m saying this again , dont try this at home if you have a history of Allergy with desferal , and dont try this if you're not sure you can do it ... i never experienced any side-effect of desferal nor reaction of it , i think that's why it is fine for me to do this at home .. but again saying this
IF you have any side-effect, allergy or reaction history to desferal then prefer to do this in provision of your healthcare provider ..
Best of luck for chelation to all of you :
Best Regards
Take Care