especialy to Andy question abt chelation

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Re: especialy to Andy question abt chelation
« Reply #150 on: May 25, 2009, 08:46:14 PM »
Umair, when will you check your fe again? How ofen do you do it? Every 3 months?
humm , i never care of time period to check Fe , you can check this thread , in this thread all of my Test results are mentioned with Dates when they done ...  when-ever i think that i have done enough chelation now i should have get tested the Fe , i goes for test .. but normally its after a month , aat-least  after a month , sometimes its after more than 1 month and a few time 2-3 months as well ...
i hope i answered right :grin

And yes Andy is right , that is in vein ( IV = intra veinous  ) .. and i do that straight 24 hours a day , for a few days but last 2 times it was for 8 day , ...

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Re: especialy to Andy question abt chelation
« Reply #151 on: May 28, 2009, 03:55:12 PM »
Hey  Buddies ,
Guess Wat i have to share ????..... okiey.... okiey... i going to disclose it :

Last S.Fe Report  25-April-2009
                                                    Normal range (for my age)                         Result
Serum Ferritin                                      30 - 400 ng/ ml                         [bgcolor=#ffffff]1384 ng/ml[/bgcolor]

Latest S.Fe Report  26-May-2009
                                                    Normal range (for my age)                         Result
Serum Ferritin                                      30 - 400 ng/ ml                         [bgcolor=#ffffff]1092 ng/ml[/bgcolor]

As i mentioned a lil ago in this thread about missing the dose of Ferriprox for a week , and i also want to mention that i Transfused 3 times from 25-Arpil to 26-MAy and chelation was on hold , i have only  8 days straight IV desfeal  for those three Transfusions ( and ofcourse 2 desferals with every blood transfussion on every Tx ),  soo i think i weren't on extreme chelation for the last 30 days but yes IV desferal always make's the changes and leave's its marks in the shape of quick decrease in Fe ...

Tight your belts buddies and try to start IV desferal ...

[bgcolor=#9300ff]The Power is Yours ( Said , The Captain Planet everyday 3 O''clock on STN Tv Network  :d :P hahhaha) [/bgcolor]

Now i have to go , i willshare LFT report very soon that is also better than bfore that was ..

Best REgards for you all for your treatments ..

Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
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Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



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Re: especialy to Andy question abt chelation
« Reply #152 on: May 28, 2009, 04:59:19 PM »

   S U P E R !!!!!

   With this speed, by the end of summer your ferritin will reach 500!

   Keep up!
   I am happy for you!



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Re: especialy to Andy question abt chelation
« Reply #153 on: May 28, 2009, 05:12:55 PM »

Congratulations, I am so very happy for you bud!  That is amazing!  What you have accomplished displays what a person can do if they follow the advise Andy and the others give on this site.  You have turned your life around Umair - that is incredible!  Your hard work and dedication are paying off!  Your next result will be below 1000!  Could you have imagined this a year ago?

Great job!



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Re: especialy to Andy question abt chelation
« Reply #154 on: May 28, 2009, 05:34:54 PM »
Thats my man :thumbsup
Falling down is not defeat... Defeat is when you refuse to get up...
The one who kneels to Allah, can standup to anything.


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Re: especialy to Andy question abt chelation
« Reply #155 on: May 28, 2009, 07:52:17 PM »
Hi all ,
Thanx alot for the complements , its all bcoze of your help, support and encouragement  that  you provided me throughout the year , i m sooooooo thankfull of you all ( ESpecially Andy ) , ...please keep encouraging and supporting me as you did in past i always need the ecnouragement and support from you all ....
 i m more happy to see my LFT report than Fe bcoze SGPT in decreasing trend since i started Nigella and that is contiuosly decreasing ,  Thanx alot to all of you (Especially to Ambareen for sharing that usefull info about nigella and Andy to highlight that and to keep stressing on that) ... i will share those result in the other threads ...

@ Lena
Thanx alot for  encouragment and super wishes , ...
please speed up the search for the multi-vitamin supplement with a litle amount of iron, i m sure next time i will b searching for that if u failed to do it by time ...

@ Sharmin
Thanx for the wishes, ecouragment, detailed reply and complements , yeah, i never had thought that my Fe will be within the green zone ... its something more than wonders and more than amazing ..  once when Sahil reported that it take's 36 months to his Fe come below 1000 from 9000 , i thought that it is never possible for me to get on this mark within the year..

@ Tariq Bro ,
Hey bro, Thanx alot , please keep encouraging and supporting me as you did in past i always need the ecnouragement and support from you too , thanx alot for the time you spent online with me when-ever i was sticked with IV desferal that is the time when i need a friend like you to spend most of time to avoid get boring and keep complying with IV desferal , you helped me alot buddy ... thanx alot ... :thankyou2

Best Regards to you all
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Re: especialy to Andy question abt chelation
« Reply #156 on: May 28, 2009, 10:01:21 PM »
Umair you are unbellievable, i am very proud of you and i am sure your family does too. You have shown us all how determination can pay back. By the way whenever i encourge anyone to chelate i usually tell them about you my friend, no words can describ how happy i am for you.
It is always easy to advice but very hard to follow this advice, you are an inspiration :yahoo




Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: especialy to Andy question abt chelation
« Reply #157 on: May 29, 2009, 02:29:37 AM »

When you started this thread, your ferritin was 9650. That was May 5 one year ago. I would say your progress has been amazing and also quite gratifying to all. Like you, I am also happier about your continued progress with your liver levels since starting natural methods. Thals have to take a lot of harsh drugs and it a great thing when a serious issue can be dealt with by using safe natural products. Getting your iron load under control does make it easier to restore liver health, so chelation also plays a role. I hope everyone who reads the posts here is beginning to understand that there is a lot a thal can do to better the health and the quality of life and that those who do follow the recommendations given here are seeing real improvements.

Umair, Sajid would be so proud of you.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: especialy to Andy question abt chelation
« Reply #158 on: May 29, 2009, 03:39:37 AM »
Thanx Alot Manal , Thanx alot for the complement, yeah my family feel's proud too and they look's happy when they say " you are looking good and your color is fair now " ... Thank you for considering me as an insipiration but i thik there's alot of people here on this forum who r keeping their Fe levels within the normal range like Lena, Sahil and Smurfette and more ( look Smurfette , i haven't said again that you should be having iron overload in any organ :grin i remember that i said this once a long time ago :grin don't mind , i m just kidding ) .... Thank you all for being always there for me in every shape ( friend , inspiration, guide et..etc.. ).
 :thankyou2 :thankyou2 :thankyou2

@ Andy,
Thanx alot Andy , but here i want to mention your contribution as well , i remember you were always there for me throughout this time ... the time when i was having heart symptoms you sugested the right way of chelation the IV desferal ... after that when i was on IV desferal for the very 1st time my 1st and my drip ended up earlier i was worried how i can take this small amount of that day's dose for 24, and it was 2-AM  here at my side ( no doctor availability ), then i asked to you and your reply was rely relaxing for me .. and when i was over dosed of ferriprox it was again 2-AM and many more moments that's a big list i cant mention al those here ,... Thanx alot buddy for contineous support, help  and right advice on time that was needed ...
Thanx a million buddy ... :)
 :thankyou2 :thankyou2 :thankyou2

Andy, You reminded me that time again ... that was a coolest time i spent on internet ... May God Bless him ... i lost a true and kind friend .. it still feel's imposible to come out of the memories of that time ... i lost a true friend , i lost a true inspiration ... i still remember his voice, he was soo polite at speaking ... its still very difficult to believe that he isn't with us ... i cant write anymore, it make's me feeling very sad when-ever i look back at those days ... it feels like , GOD sent a person a blessing in shape of friend to me and then took him back to me to tell me the reality of life ...  these memories make's me  tearing everytime and i m unable to stop my tears to coming out to my eyes ......................................................... thats why i decided to answer this in the last .... bcoze i knew that after that i will be unable to answer anything or to type anymore ...

Thank you all from the deepest bottom of my heart and many many regards for you all ....

Take Care
« Last Edit: May 29, 2009, 04:05:18 AM by nice friend »
Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



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Re: especialy to Andy question abt chelation
« Reply #159 on: May 29, 2009, 06:13:11 AM »
Latest S.Fe Report  26-May-2009
                                                    Normal range (for my age)                         Result
Serum Ferritin                                      30 - 400 ng/ ml                         1092 ng/ml

Awesome, Umair!! I'm sooo happy for you! I hope your liver and heart iron is also coming down this fast!

Best Regards,


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Re: especialy to Andy question abt chelation
« Reply #160 on: May 29, 2009, 02:14:18 PM »
Thanx alot for encouragement and for considering me an inspiration , as for liver and heart i cant say anything about their conditions exactly but i m on vit-c since january ( when-ever i putted ON the desferal ) so i think the stored iron is no more stored but it will take time to make a final & exact statement abt that ... Thanx alot For taking time to reply and encourage me :) :thankyou2 ..

Best Regards
Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



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Re: especialy to Andy question abt chelation
« Reply #161 on: May 29, 2009, 04:51:52 PM »

Thats a fantastic news,really you are the symbol of hope for all those patients out there who think iron over load has ruined their lives.
By the way i loved captain planet when i was a kid  :biggrin and now you are captain iron  :biggrin.



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Re: especialy to Andy question abt chelation
« Reply #162 on: May 29, 2009, 05:00:56 PM »
What has been accomplished here (Umair and Panos recently) some major clinics are not even able to get these results.  It is very impressive.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: especialy to Andy question abt chelation
« Reply #163 on: May 29, 2009, 05:10:08 PM »

I have to agree. The results that people are getting after following the recommendations here are very impressive. I hope the clinics and doctors can appreciate the help we are giving and will embrace our efforts.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: especialy to Andy question abt chelation
« Reply #164 on: May 29, 2009, 09:08:07 PM »
@ Zaini,
Me ?? ? j/k ...  Thanx alot for encouraging my efforts to decrease iron level...  BTW,  Captain planet was my favr8 too when i was a kid ;) ( it mean's Captain planet ruled alot and now he ishould reitre himself and he is old now :d ) ... when i started chelation i choose my name "IRON MAN" bcoze i was having alot of iron at that time , you can read those stories in first few posts of this thread ( Tariq bhai , Another story ;) , wat can i do yaar  :dunno  its un-controleable to me to stop writing stories or to stop making stories out of real incidents  :rolleyes :dunno) ....
me hope , its something hard to digest hahahaah .. Thanx alot sis for taking time to reply this thread out of many threads ( i know there will b alot of threads in your un-read thread's list bcoze u r returning after a lil while ) .. :thakyou2

@ Sharmin ,
this is why i said Adult thals are bould have some dependable experience and knowledge as well doctors and nurses bcoze docs and nurses spent a part of their lives in this field a few year 3-4-5-6 but adult thals spent their whole lives in maanaging these things .. soo they have an edge over them not over experienced docs ( like mine , she is well know and experienced doc, and she has spent her 15 years for the well being of thals and she's a professor and head of the department of pediatrics and for those docs who have spent a big time in this medical dimension) but on new onez, yes they have an edge, bcoze new onez have to practice and patients have practiced alot in their lives... ,, the nurse at our Family doc's clinic always ask's me where i want to have canula pricked and to find clear and prominent vein . i always sugest's him 2 or 3 sites to choose one of them and then all things get done whe ever i plan t have IV desferal or when ever i had to have injections for stomach aches ...

@ Andy ,
i agree to all of you , right advice at right time work's very fine ... for example i was scared of using more than 3 desferal a day when 1st time i asked andy about that and when i got to know that i can take upto 8 then i decided to increase my dose , in mean time my doc increased my dose 3-4 but i had tested 5 desferal so since then i m on 5 desferal a day , and that maade a big difference in my reports ... soo complete knowledge works bettter than only prescriptions and instructions .. i dont want to forget my doc's efforts here and dont want to to end up all this without mentioning her efforts and wat she did for me , there is a big role of her in my god health , i m thnakful of her as well as she countered all of the complications in my case one by one instead of testing or experimenting new things on me ... i remember once i asked her to star exjade and desferal in combination at that time my SGPT ALt wasn't soo high but she replied " this study hasn't proven yet and i won't to test anything on you which is not proven yet " this is wat a good doctor is , she refused my request to start an experiment on me bcoze she won't to see her patient in trouble bcoze of any experiment ... there is a big contribution of her in it and i never forget her efforts , she is soo caring and soo kind , she refused my request to increase the dose upto 5 vials of desferal a day bcoze she won't to take risk on me , but it was me who love's  to take risk hahhaha ... sometimes taking risk could benefit you and thats wat happened in my case ... i remember the happines on her face when she 1st saw a big decreae in fe in my 1st fe report ( from 900 to 3500 ) and afterward everytime she saw my reports , .. soo with this forum andy you all , there's is someone who played a big role in my success to get my fe down and she is my doc ... she was the one of the reason why i started this bcoze she warned me she will admit me in hospital if i dont start desferal at home , and at the same time she written a note on my prescription to admit me and told my fater to take him to the hospiatl then i promised her that i will do my best to have desferal regularly at home ...  wat i want to say here is that, my doctor has also a big role in all this wat i have achieved ... i wanted to recognize her efforts  and not to forget her at this moment of joy ... thats why i mentioned her efforts ...

Best Regards
« Last Edit: May 29, 2009, 09:51:39 PM by nice friend »
Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



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