Must Read It.....Desferals 3vial of 500mg in 10-15 hours a day , 2-3 times a week,At the time my doc prescripted me this plan, i was very moody at that time , and it was dependent on my mood only. i wasn't keen in chelation. i wasn't compliant and faithful in chelation .. sometimes, i dont have even one day of chelation between 2 Transfusions , at that time . but when i took interest in chelation and bcome compliant to chelation and determined to take S.Fe under 1000 ( so i can be able to start Exjade ( AKA Asunra ) as my doctor gave me intiative to start exjade if my S.Fe would below 1000 ) , i asked a few questions on this forum and in the light of answers i made my own chelation plan are those Answers .....
once, Zaini Replied to my Question :A doctor from Novartis,while giving us an introduction to Asunra,told us that a unit of blood (approx 300 ml) contains 250 mg of iron.
& C.F Replied to same Question :one unit of blood contains approx 250mg of iron. The average dose of desferal infusion for 6-8 hours removes approx 6-10mg of iron. The iron accumulation ofcourse depends on the frequency of blood transfusion and number of days of desferal infusions.
Yeah, I replied As Well
.thinking the same .. 250 mg per Tx and then minus only 8- 10 mg per desferal therapy .. its mean i have to be on desferal on daily basis after a Tx , no rest between to Tx , if i use Desferal alone 25 times then it will remove the iron equel to one Tx .. and i m unable to have 25 desferal therrapies in 15 day ( between two transfussions ) ... combination therapy is the only choice ...
if 6-8 hours chelation removes 8-10 mg of iron , so i increased the duration from 12 to 23-24 hours chelation and 4 days a week ...............
if 6-8 hours is removing 8-10mg then 20 hours of chelation remove almost 20mg 23multipply by 4 = 92mg per chelation + 9tabs a day 500mg deferiprone ... it was good but S.Fe was decreasing very slowly....
it was my Chelation plan before last in last October when my S.Fe went high again : From Aug to Oct-15
august2008 : S.Fe 2902
oct-15-08 : S.Fe 3613[/color]
Then i made my own chelatin plan for my conditions and blood need..
let's see, i made a chart of both (Blood need & Chelation) and added the gathered info about Desferal's efficiency ... 1st i asked my doctor ,how much blood i need and after how many days

she told me " you should have Tx between 10-12 days ....
Okiey , now i have 10-12 days to encounter the iron that infused with blood and the stored as well ..
i used to have a Tx after 10-12 days and 250ml of blood ... = 250mg and 12 days per 1000mg desferal chelate's 90mg iron ..and i was permitted to use only 1500mg/day.. that means i have to wear pump for 4 days... i hadn't think of making a plan for chelation with blood transfussion's schedule , at that time ...
i was using 3 vials a day , soo i made a chart , that mean's i was chelating 135mg of iron per chelation day ... when i got my S.Fe reports , i got to know that, this plan have failed, .. i re-calculated all the things and got that, it wasn't chelating even the incoming iron from Tx (250mg) .. here's the calculation 90mg iron x 3g DFO = 270mg .... . and i had 1 or 2 extra Tx during that time .... soo, this plan was failed and it wasn't a good plan ... slow decrease in iron and if you have an emergency and got to have an extra Tx you iron will jump-up high with this plan....
after october 15 : when i got a reply that made easy to make/revise my plan ======================
And then Eponine Replied in a little more details : and very accurate info, it helped me to make the right plan ..Most Accurate ... i made my pla according to this one. ...
She Sent This info in thread on same Date i got my elvated S.Fe report , Thanx Alot Eponine , for a great Favor ....
15-oct-2008An average unit of blood contains about 250ml of packed red cells ie 250 x 1.16 or 290 mg of iron. For example, a patient weighing 40 kg receiving 3 units a month will receive 3 x 12 x 290 = 10440mg/year = 28 mg/day of iron a day through blood transfusions.
Each molecule of DFO (Desferal) binds one atom of iron, forming a very stable complex. Theoretically, 1g of DFO can bind almost 90mg of iron. In reality, only 10% of the drug binds iron before excretion.
Then i revised the plan and made an agressive one : November to January and Januar to March , i have been on this plan, it is the most succesful plan....
regularized my Tx and "No" more extra Tx, if extra Tx then Extra Chelation as well :
250mg iron/Tx , 10-12 days gap per Tx .. i was perrescripted to take only Desferal 3 vials of 500mg/Day ...
Duration of per chelation 21hours A day , Desferals vial 3 (500mg) , and 5-6 between 2 Transfussions ( 10-12 days ) ..
Let's see the results by calculations :
3 Desferala x 6 Days = 18 vials ( between the gap of 2 Tx = 12 days )
18 vials of 500mg = 9g DFO
9g DFO = bind's 810mg iron
if you're getting 250mg iron per Tx ... I think, its enough and Great to chelate 810mg iron between 2 Transfussions ...
its better to wipe out all the iron before that make some damages to your boddy ..[b[soo its good to work hard now and rest/relax for ever in your life , instead of working all the life ( trying to recall the name who said this ....[/b]
S.Fe in October 2008 : 3613 ng/ml
S.Fe in January 2008 : 2330 ng/ml
S.Fe in March 2009 : 2060 ng/m
Q : Why S.Fe came down on slower rate than previous two results in March-17's Reports

A : I have been very sick several times From January To march ,
5-12 Feb Stomach ache and 1 or 2 extra TX and "No" Chelation. during this time .( withing a few days after recovering to Stomach Ache ).i had Tx on 01-feb and back to chelation on 16-feb ...
23-Feb To March-01 Malaria and 1 extra Tx and "No" Chelation during this time. i started Chelation back after getting to normal ( withing a few days after recovering to Malaria ). i had Tx on 21-feb and back to chelation on 6-march ...
I hope this Will Help you ....
P.s : i m on Ferriprox500mg, 9 Tablets a Day as well ... and its played its significant role in decrease of S.Fe Levels ...
Best Regards
Take Care