Thank you for the reply, Andy.
It confirmed, what I have read here and there in scientific papers, but it is hard though to put it all together and draw conclusions.
About ferritin levels not reflecting iron load in body - can ferritin be *that* low as mine and I'd still have iron overload? How low was your friend's ferritin?
This is kind of stupid question of course because everybody is different, but I just need to know a number, so I could tell my doctors, that this is really possible.
An example of such a case (low ferritin level, but still iron overload) with numbers would be helpful (anyone out there... ?).
>Do you have any symptoms of iron overloading?
That is a good question. Usually I don't feel well, but it is hard to distinguish between symptoms from iron overload and fatty oxidation disorder

. However it is established that with a proper treatment (diet and drugs) you can have normal life, without any symptoms and pain.
My doctors for metabolic diseases and I implemented such a treatment, and it did not bring expected effects on me.
So I started looking for the cause (of course my doctors disaproved and told me that I have to cope)... and it looks like I found it.
This has to be it, because I can't see any other irregularities in my tests (and I did almost any possible test, well, at least half of the tests from the hospital's list). 7 MRIs, but none of them of liver...
Perhaps the symptoms are not caused directly by iron overload, only thallassemia itself. I see 4 possible mechanisms:
- hypoxia (which causes another disturbances in fat&glucose metabolism, lactic acid buildup -> pain)
- inability to produce hem in cells other than erythrocytes (don't know if this is possible, but hem takes part in many matabolic reactions)
- excess erytropoetin (have to investigate on that)
- overall stress on the body
These still need a lot of investigation...
About possible overload symptoms, these are as I mentioned above:
- joint pain
- severe musous membrane dryness
- cold intolerance
- paresthesias
And I just rememberd
- glucose intolerance (3 results around 105 when normal range is 60-100, I guess that is a pattern)
>Have you noticed any change in skin tone?
Now that I think of it, many people tell me that my skin under eyes is brown, my face is yellow. Hmm...
My mother has brown rings in her eyes. Can it be a symptom for her (she has similar blood morphology as I have, so...)?
>Any reduction in heart function?
About 2 years ago palpitations started... Quite frequently (1 a day?), they last for 10 seconds.
About IP6.
Does it chelate iron only from the GI (gastro... something) tract (not allowing iron to be absorbed into body) , or it chelates from the whole body (so it actively removes iron from the body) ?
I read yesterday about IP-6, and the link this thread: that it only works in the GI tract.
IP-6 would be beneficial for me in another way - it provides phophor(ylate) groups to the muscles, so they can work more efficiently.
Also this short chain fatty acid butyrate which is used to increase fetal hemoglobin would be beneficial for me in two ways - fetal hemoglobin increase and I can probably burn it without any problem.
I am already on carnitine and a low fat diet.
So, now I have a few ideas of tests, that I could do:
- TAS (don't know if it has any diagnostic value...)
- spleen ultrasound
- genetic testing for thallassemia (is the gene HBB right for the testing, or is there another gene?)
- other tests for thallassemia, if I find any. Fortunately I made friends with one of the lab technicians in hematology center, and she has already told me more than this hematologist doctor. Unfortunately I can't find any guide about the diagnostic path, i.e. which tests should be made based on previous results.
- Liver biopsy (seems unavoidable, at least to keep peace of mind, though it will be hard to make it happen without doctors' approval)
After that I will be trying to start treatment:
- Wheat grass (unfortunately looks like I will have to grow it myself
- IP6
- Resveratrol
- folic acid (can deficiency of other B vitamins be also a "cause" (well, it is not a real cause) for thallassemia?)
- low dose butyrate (if I can get any...)
And we'll see what happens.
I was and am a little overwhelmed by all this, but this site gives some hope...
Thanks for that.