Ultimately, you will have to base the decision to begin regular transfusions somewhat on your own observations of Aqeel 's health. If he is developing normally, is not sickly, has a good energy level and if he is doing well on a day-to-day basis, will be the factors that can guide you. Of course, the doctor's advice will play a huge role in this and if they say he must transfuse, then you should do that, but as long as there is any question, Aqeel will rely on your observations. Please try to be objective about it and what you see over time. If he is maintaining the same level of energy and health, he may be able to continue the pattern of occasional transfusions. I do think that because he is manifesting as an intermedia and not major, that fetal hemoglobin inducers (hydrxoyurea) should be given a fair trial of at least one year, before making any decision on regular transfusions. Also, chelation is generally started after twenty transfusions. This isn't anything to be concerned about yet, but it would be beneficial if he was to be taking IP6 and green tea extract to inhibit the damage iron can do in the body. Establishing good dietary habits is also necessary.
Like all parents of thals, you will have to become the expert on your son's health. You have already shown a great deal of growth as a parent and I am confident that you will be able to make the right decisions based on your own objective observations as time passes.