Latest Update On AQEEL

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Re: Latest Update On AQEEL
« Reply #75 on: March 25, 2009, 06:39:40 AM »

In what way will Acupuncture help Aqeel???



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Re: Latest Update On AQEEL
« Reply #76 on: March 25, 2009, 06:47:26 AM »
Coorect me if i'm wrong, but what they do is that they will focus on the spleen! to reduce it to normal size etc. making the spleen as healthy as it can be. This sure helps isn't it?

In fact, when i told this to a doctor during our visit the other day, she was in a way up to it! BUT, for her its a NO NO for homeopathy!



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Re: Latest Update On AQEEL
« Reply #77 on: March 25, 2009, 02:39:58 PM »

Actually i have no idea about Acupuncture but commenting on what you said, i can say that the enlargement of Aqeel's spleen is due to a certain cause which is thalassemia, not a malfunction in the spleen itself.. i.e enlargement of spleen is accompanied or an outcome of a certain reason, so how can they control the size without dealing with thal???

Have they ever worked with thal patients before?? And what they are aiming for from reducing the spleen size, is it increasing the HB, sounds like a visious circle to me

But anyway make sure you are in good hands, as i said i am not familiar with Acupuncture but that was my thoughts

Please keep updating



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Re: Latest Update On AQEEL
« Reply #78 on: March 26, 2009, 03:30:54 AM »
Hi Manal,

Your concern is also my concern too! Don't worry!  :biggrin thats why i'm still considering it! the thing is, there a number of thalasemic who has been to the centre for the acupuncture!

Have not made up my mind yet! But if, there is no harm in trying and that,,, if it does no harm to other thalassemic,,,i might go for it too!




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Re: Latest Update On AQEEL
« Reply #79 on: March 26, 2009, 03:59:22 AM »
Acupuncture is a method of encouraging the body to promote natural healing and to improve functioning. This is done by inserting needles and applying heat or electrical stimulation at very precise acupuncture points.
Hi Manal Sis,
i think they are gona insert needles or poke in his spleen .. not sure , but if it is gona happen like this , then i m also a little concerned about it.....

Alot of good Wishes &
Best REgards For Aqeel

Take Care
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Re: Latest Update On AQEEL
« Reply #80 on: March 26, 2009, 04:06:43 AM »
Acupuncture needles are not inserted deeply at all. There is no chance an organ would be pierced. I think we should wait and see before speculating on the possible effect of acupuncture in this case. I do think nigella should also be used. Umair's experience using nigella for his spleen and Ambareen's experience using it for hepatitis and the success both had, along with the mountains of research going on into the value of nigella, do suggest we should be recommending this for improving organ function.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: Latest Update On AQEEL
« Reply #81 on: March 26, 2009, 04:15:14 AM »

As Andy recommended, I would try Nigella before trying anything else. I have also started taking Nigella for my HepC. My spleen and liver are also a bit enlarged.. So, I'm hoping to attack a couple of things with this simple seeds of Nigella.

Wishing Aqeel the best!


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Re: Latest Update On AQEEL
« Reply #82 on: March 26, 2009, 04:27:52 AM »
Oh yeah , i forgot to mention about Nigella , AL , that is superb idea , my dad gave me nigella and result was decreased size of spleeen ...  i think , you should try give him Nigella ( grinded wil be best as my father gave me grinded as well .. ) for you little one amount will be little as well 1/4 of teaspoon .. .. Best of Luck AL ... I hope that Aqeel would like nigella with Honey :P :food ..

Alot of good wishes and
Best Regards for Aqeel
Take Care
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Re: Latest Update On AQEEL
« Reply #83 on: March 26, 2009, 04:53:14 AM »

How do you know your spleen size has decreased? I mean does the doc measure it by touching or have you gotten an ultrasound measuing your spleen before and after taking the Nigella seeds?

Thanks & best regards,


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Re: Latest Update On AQEEL
« Reply #84 on: March 26, 2009, 05:17:07 AM »

Could acupuncture be helpful for lil A and his antibody issue?  His reactive airway?




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Re: Latest Update On AQEEL
« Reply #85 on: March 26, 2009, 06:15:39 AM »
I have heard of another thing Acupressure. In which you apply pressure to pressure points in your palm and feet. Each point represents an organ or body function. And it doesn't sound harmful as it doesn't puncture. I have a book on it in which pressure point map is given and i irregularly try it specially on liver and spleen points. I bet Umair can find reference articles on it and share it with everyone. Umair buddy what ya say!
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Re: Latest Update On AQEEL
« Reply #86 on: March 26, 2009, 06:22:12 AM »
Actually Tariq,

We have tried acupressure before - both lil A and I tried it in 2004 for 3 weeks.  It made a big difference in my energy level and it alleviated lil A's reactive airway, almost completely at the time.  The antibody issue did not exist at the time.  Since then we have moved quite a way away from the place we had gotten acupressure at. 

I found the treatment to be very effective, but very painful to endure. 



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Re: Latest Update On AQEEL
« Reply #87 on: March 26, 2009, 06:39:40 AM »
Why don't you try doing it yourself. I mean why did you needed to go to the treatment center for that? Because i thought one can try it on himself/herself. Maybe i am wrong about it because i haven't seen any treatment center for Acupressure around here.

I try it whenever i am feeling down or feeling like Hg is dropping and it does appear to help regain strength. I also tried it for increasing height but it didn't work in that case. I have a wooden thick stick with pointed edges all over it (had it made specially for the purpose) and i used to roll it under my palm and feet so that all the points get pressure simultaneously (sort of body maintenance technique) but i haven't done it for long now.

I also keep on pressing points on palm while programming when i get stuck in some coding logic and trying to figure things out  :crackup
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Re: Latest Update On AQEEL
« Reply #88 on: March 26, 2009, 06:45:32 AM »
Hi Buddies ,
Well , Sharmin has commented on it and i dont know wat more to say soo i m gonna post only quotes and a few links  :

Acupressure is a form of touch therapy that utilizes the principles of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. In acupressure, the same points on the body are used as in acupuncture, but are stimulated with finger pressure

instead of with the insertion of needles. Acupressure is used to relieve a variety of symptoms and pain.

Acupressure is easy to learn, and there are many good books that illustrate the position of acupoints and meridians on the body. It is also very versatile, as it can be done anywhere, and it's a good form of treatment for spouses and partners to give to each other and for parents to perform on children for minor conditions.

While giving self-treatment or performing acupressure on another, a mental attitude of calmness and attention is important, as one person's energy can be used to help another's. Loose, thin clothing is recommended. There are three general techniques for stimulating a pressure point.

Tonifying is meant to strengthen weak chi, and is done by pressing the thumb or finger into an acupoint with a firm, steady pressure, holding it for up to two minutes.
Dispersing is meant to move stagnant or blocked chi, and the finger or thumb is moved in a circular motion or slightly in and out of the point for two minutes.
Calming the chi in a pressure point utilizes the palm to cover the point and gently stroke the area for about two minutes.
There are many pressure points that are easily found and memorized to treat common ailments from headaches to colds.

For headaches, toothaches, sinus problems, and pain in the upper body, the "LI4" point is recommended. It is located in the web between the thumb and index finger, on the back of the hand. Using the thumb and index finger of the other hand, apply a pinching pressure until the point is felt, and hold it for two minutes. Pregnant women should never press this point.
To calm the nerves and stimulate digestion, find the "CV12" point that is four thumb widths above the navel in the center of the abdomen. Calm the point with the palm, using gentle stroking for several minutes.
To stimulate the immune system, find the "TH5" point on the back of the forearm two thumb widths above the wrist. Use a dispersing technique, or circular pressure with the thumb or finger, for two minutes on each arm.
For headaches, sinus congestion, and tension, locate the "GB20" points at the base of the skull in the back of the head, just behind the bones in back of the ears. Disperse these points for two minutes with the fingers or thumbs. Also find the "yintang" point, which is in the middle of the forehead between the eyebrows. Disperse it with gentle pressure for two minutes to clear the mind and to relieve headaches.
— Douglas Dupler


Acupressure is a safe technique, but it is not meant to replace professional health care. A physician should always be consulted when there are doubts about medical conditions. If a condition is chronic, a professional should be consulted; purely symptomatic treatment can exacerbate chronic conditions. Acupressure should not be applied to open wounds, or where there is swelling and inflammation. Areas of scar tissue, blisters, boils, rashes, or varicose veins should be avoided. Finally, certain acupressure points should not be stimulated on people with high or low blood pressure and on pregnant women.

Research & General Acceptance

In general, Chinese medicine has been slow to gain acceptance in the West, mainly because it rests on ideas very foreign to the scientific model. For instance, Western scientists have trouble with the idea of chi, the invisible energy of the body, and the idea that pressing on certain points can alleviate certain conditions seems sometimes too simple for scientists to believe.

Western scientists, in trying to account for the action of acupressure, have theorized that chi is actually part of the neuroendocrine system of the body. Celebrated orthopedic surgeon Robert O. Becker, who was twice nominated for the Nobel Prize, wrote a book on the subject called Cross Currents: The Promise of Electromedicine; The Perils of Electropollution. By using precise electrical measuring devices, Becker and his colleagues showed that the body has a complex web of electromagnetic energy, and that traditional acupressure meridians and points contained amounts of energy that non-acupressure points did not.

The mechanisms of acupuncture and acupressure remain difficult to document in terms of the biochemical processes involved; numerous testimonials are the primary evidence backing up the effectiveness of acupressure and acupuncture. However, a body of research is growing that verifies the effectiveness in acupressure and acupuncture techniques in treating many problems and in controlling pain.

There was a few more headin in this article
1) Description Origins
2) Acupressure and Chinese medicine
3) 5min Related Video: Acupressure

for complete article please visit :

these 2 are also good links to learn about it, must check it ( most important links) :

@ SF ,
i dont remeber exactly it was done by USG or LFT , i will try to find out my reports ( if those reports are still existing in my any file :grin ) , but i remeber that my fatty belly was shrinked at that time and my shirts turned into Beggy Style like shirts ....  

here's a reason to eexplain its effectiveness over spleen is , hemolysis/red cells break's in spleen and bcoze of that its possiblee that spleen store's alot more iron than other organs and Nigella has also anti-oxidant properties , soo it can work for spleen as well ,,  i think thats why my fatty bely was shrikned that time  ....

Best Regards
Take Care

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Re: Latest Update On AQEEL
« Reply #89 on: April 17, 2009, 01:49:04 AM »
Hi everyone!

2 weeks back after he had his fever, Aqeel Hg was 7.1. Since then we have started giving him a new concentrate wheatgrass + honey and we are giving him also Bee Pollen. The wheatgrass + honey is a new brand which i got during my trip to a fruit farm in Johor. The place is like 5-6 hours drive from my place. The previous wheatgrass given was in powder form. For the benefits of the Bee Pollen please check out

Yesterday, we found out that Aqeel Hb was 7.5 and the doctor made another appointment for 8th of May 2009. Alhamdulillah (thank God), we have delay yet another transfusion.

Currently Aqeel is as active as he can be, and i notice that lately he really eats a lot.  :biggrin



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