Hi everyone,
In gl/dl or mmol/l ?
, I'm afraid i dont know its in gl/dl or mmol/l?

Sorry, been busy lately, Ok now, aqeel (3 years 11 months) spleen is 7cm, liver 3cm, iron level 6++, last HB 6.7, height 114cm and weight 19.5kg. Due to this he has his 4th BT this year recently that was 2 days back.
Need some advise though, when we went for the monthly check the other day, the doctor who is attending to Aqeel ask for another expert to join in as well. It seems that they are not sure either to maintain their previous call that is to tranfuse when his HB is lower than seven. According to them, they see that Aqeel weight and height is slightly going to stagnent level, they say that it would/would not be stagnent, as they cannot foresee it. ANd that Aqeel face does shows something (dont really know the actual word). After discussion with them, we've decided as suggested by them to get BT not below 7,,but now below 9. Meaning that Aqeel might have to go for BT once a month from now on. Should i stick to below 7,,or chage gradually perhaps below 8 and then below 9? I actually told the doctor that why not we change to below 8 and see but they say it wouldnt help much. They prefer to treat Aqeel as major. Here's his statistics:-
HB/Weight(kg)/Height(cm) BT Date
Jan 7.5/18.3/109 25/2
Feb 6.8/18.7/109 9/4
Mar 17/6
Apr 6.7/18.9/110 3/9 350 ml
May 7.7/19.0/112
Jun 6.7/19.0/113
Jul 8.4/19.5/113
Aug/sept 6.7/19.5/114
Pray that Aleesya (his sister) is not thalassemic. Ameen. Gonna check next month when she is 7 months old.