In the conference of Syria, I was asked by my hematologist Professor El Beshlawy to make an interview for the EUMEDCONNECT2 video on thalassaemia research which is now available on The video was recently premiered at the TNC2009 in Malaga and it has been extremely well received by all who have seen it, including the European Commission.
I know that it could sound a bit negative, but it was meant this way to show the negative side of thal in order to urge the audience (European Commission) to have thalassemia on their list. The other reason was also to encourge the networking between scientists all over the world.
So excuse me if it sounds a little harsh. Also excuse how i looked cause i was sooooo nervous. First time to speak in media

. Everyone was interviewed for more than 30 minutes but all the video came in just 5 minutes.
You will see in the video too Professor El Beshlawy, she is just a great doctor who i respect too much. She is not only so much expierenced in this filed but also a ''human'' that feels so much for her patients and who has a very strong bond with them. May God always bless her. She is the kind of a doctor who is always there for her patients and no matter how anxious we are or worried about anything concerning my son, we just come out of her clinic feeling very comfortable and having a lot of confidence. No words can describ how grateful i am to her