Canadian Family thank you so much for sharing what you have read with us. I am still waiting to receive my copy - but it has been so nice to read your comments.
I have much respect for Dr. Bank - after knowing him for 10 years and learning what a kind and caring person he is. I do hope that his prognosis about the life span of thalassemia patients proves to be wrong however. Dr. Vichinsky's opinion on this is that thalassemia patients, with full compliance, can live a full life span. Perhaps, here is where the problem lies - many thals are not compliant and as soon as things go wrong they completely lose control of the disease. If thals keep their iron levels down to begin with - if problems (such as antibody issues) occur then the problem will not spiral out of control. In this way, Dr. Bank's prediction is correct. We realize this when we try to get certain families to take proper precautions, or even join this site. Some people don't take the time, that is so unfortunate.
My hope is that with proper transfusion/chelation and supplements thals should be able to live a full life. Dr. Vichinsky mentioned that he has 50 year old patients, who did not enjoy the medical advancements that we do these days - therefore our children have much more hope of living into their fifties and beyond. What has and will continue to separate the survivors from those that unfortunately succumb to this disease is compliance. Recently, a thal major became a grandfather - to me this is encouraging. I have thal major friends who are in their 40s and they have children - and they show no signs of slowing down. It has been so hard reading this 'expiry date' for years, I hope that it does not have to apply anymore.
Our goal is a group is to increase the life span of every thal patient that comes to us for help - and my goal as a mother is to dedicate my life to preventing this disease from claiming my son as a victim. My prayers are that thalassemia will not beat us - and that we are able to get rid of thalassemia.
If genetix pharmaceuticals has stumbling blocks I hope that they are able to defeat them - and those that they cannot defeat - perhaps Errant Gene or some other group using stem cells can overcome these mountains.
Thanks again Canadian Family god bless all of our children
