thal intermediate and having kids?

  • 4 Replies
thal intermediate and having kids?
« on: February 21, 2008, 03:53:40 AM »
Hi everyone,

I hope you can share you candid feedback with me. I am 30 years old, and thinking of having kids, as a thal intermediate. My husband does not have thal. We did the genetic testing and told at best case, our child would be a minor and worst case would be like myself (intermediate).

does anyone have feedback about:

1. What complications might I experience during my pregnancy?
2. If I received transfusions in pregnancy would I continue to get transfused after? (currently my Hb is around 9.6 and I do not get transfused).

3. What will happen to my body (wear and tear) after delivery and will my life change drastically?

Would appreciate ANY feedback.



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: thal intermediate and having kids?
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2008, 05:15:59 AM »
Hi Kitkat,

Your child cannot be intermedia unless you are a beta thal zero, which is technically minor, but can manifest as intermedia. If you have two beta thal genes, you can only pass one onto your child, so at most, the child would be minor. Do you know if you have one or two beta thal genes?

There are quite a few thal majors in our group who have children, so hopefully you can get some feedback from personal experience of our members.

One possible complication that could occur is a drop in hemoglobin, so Hb level would need to be regularly checked. An important problem that should be watched for is the hypercoagulable state that sometimes occurs with pregnancies in thals,  minor through major. This is a clotting disorder that is known to cause miscarriages in majors and intermedias and is suspected to be responsible for miscarriages in thal minor pregnancies, also. Aspirin and/or vitamin E daily,  may be able to prevent this. Depending where you are located, you may be able to find a doctor with experience in thal pregnancies.

The drop in Hb that some thals experience during pregnancy is temporary. Getting a few transfusions won't make you transfusion dependent. Upping your folic acid dose and taking wheatgrass supplements may help to keep your Hb up.

Having children changes everyone's lives drastically, but I will leave it to the members with first hand experience to tell you what to expect in terms of thal.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline cherieann

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Re: thal intermediate and having kids?
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2008, 07:29:59 AM »
Hi Kitkat
I would just like to say goodluck!
The worse case senario for your child would be that it has Thalassaemia Minor.
My husband and I have tried for over 10 years it hasn't happened yet but I'm still hopeful.
They have me on folic acid and try to keep my ferritin & sugar levels down.
I'm sure between your haematologist and gynae (who know you) they should be able to assist you more in your questions.
Like Andy I will leave it for the mums who have actually delivered to answer your other questions as I haven't made it that far yet.
But I wish you and your husband the very best.
Thalassaemia is a lifestyle not a burden.

Re: thal intermediate and having kids?
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2008, 03:14:51 PM »
Hi KitKat

My wife is  Thal Inter. and we we had a beautiful, healthy baby boy who is now 18 months. First of all, where are you located. Try and find a good perinatologist who will monitor the baby and who will work with a good Hematologist. Your Hgb levels will drop dramatically, so you will have frequent transfusions. (Depending where you are at with transfusions right now, since the range for intermedia is so wide. Since youre not getting transfused right now your iron should be pretty low).  That means prior to your pregnancy you want to start with low iron levels since you cannot be on any iron chelators during pregnancy.  You have to do research and know your own body. After talking to members on this site, other doctors and doing my own research I disagreed with our hem. and made sure my wifes hgb was kept at a higher level. MY wife was also on Folic Acid and prenatal vitamins without iron.

As for after pregnancy, she has not had any problems. Nor have the frequency of the transfusions increased.

Let me know if you have any mpre questions.

Regards and best of luck.


Offline Bobby

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Re: thal intermediate and having kids?
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2008, 04:03:41 AM »
Hello KitKat,

My sister has a healthy 1yr old son.  She is a thal intermedia, doesn't recieve transfusions, or take any special medicines.  Her Hb actually went up while she was pregnant.  It dropped a little after the baby was born, but she rebounds well.  I also am Thal Intermedia and have a healthy 8yr old and 18mth old.  My eight year old maybe be alittle anemic, but Dr's haven't found any Thal yet. She's very active and happy.

Good Luck,


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