Dear Carmi, your questions are just as important as anyone else's. We all have varying degrees of problems and they are all important. Good for you for being proactive and trying to find information, if anything you will get reassurance.
Thalassemia is prevalent in certain parts of the world, thought to be preventative against malaria. In it's minor form thalassemia is usually quite harmless. My son is thal major, which has been a battle for us. My daughter on the other hand does not have any thal at all, but it would not have concerned me at all if she had thal minor because I consider someone with thal minor to be healthy. I hope this helps you:)
Remember every question and concern is important - if it is making you sad and depressed you are better off talking to us about it so we can address your concerns:)
I have posted messages, whining and crying because my son's iron was 2800 (as it was in June). There are others here who have ferritin levels of 10, 000. Unfortunately, there are people who do not have the same access to medical care as my son does and they are in much more difficult situations - but these same people still listen to me and offer me support when I go through what I consider to be a hard time.
My hope is that we can help all of our friends receive as much care and advice as possible wherever they may be. One possible way that we can all make a difference is by purchasing the Pat Girondi's CD (only $13) and encouraging everyone we know to do so. Also, we can contribute to thalassemia charities in different parts of the world so that people there can get better care.
We are all here to help each other:)