I have needles that have been donated and I am looking for people who can use them for desferal. They are the thumbtack style needles ( Baxter or similar) and they are all the same length, 12 mm (1.2 cm). These are a bit longer than many patients like but for those who can use them, they are free. Thanks to some kind people who have donated funds to our group, I now have some money to pay for postage. I will send them anywhere in the world, so if you think they will make it through Customs, please contact me and I will send some to you. Please, for patient actual use only. If you plan on selling them, do not ask. If I do not know you already, I may ask for some proof that a patient will be using them at no cost.
Contact me with your info and I will send some out ASAP. The return address will be Thalassemia Patients and Friends, so that may give them a better chance to clear customs. I did this some years ago and everyone received the needles, so let's give it a try. I have quite a few, so everyone interested, please do ask.