Thanks Lloyd so much

for everything and for your generous offer
I started the Carao on the 28th of October 2008 with the below data
2. Date when carao is begun - October 28, 2008
3. Dose given - 2 table spoons, my spoon is 10 ml
4. Age and diagnosis of patient - 35, thalassemia minor
5. Average hb before carao was begun on October 4: - HB is 10.9 - MCV 62 - WBCs count 3.200 - platlets 365,000
6. Whether or not any other treatmen were started during the period that carao was given - : just a mutli vitamin centrum silver but not on regular basis sometimes i take apeppetite supression medication cause i am working on decreasing my weight
On the february 7th, my HB was exactly 12 but what is more important to me is that when i was on Carao, the feeling of fatigue that i have each morning when i wake up is not there and this is the most thing i was happy about
As for my son he is on his nineth bottle and i do feel that it gives him energy and i do think too that it helps in reducing the rate of hemolysis when he gets sick. Before using carao, when he get fever, his Hb decrease with a certain rate, after the carao, it is not the same rate.
Did any body has the same observation???
Please Lloyd, feel free to ask whatever you want