Hey guys,
My son's doctor has asked me whether we should begin doing bi weekly transfusions (smaller transfusions, slower rate) or whether we should continue with the monthly ones. This time he received a full transfusion (on Monday it will be 2 weeks) - so hopefully he will go another couple of weeks. After that I am considering the biweekly schedule. Do you guys think that it is a good idea?
Hi Shamin,
long time ago I've posted this in an other place. It could help in finding an answer to your question.
I think it will depend where you put your focus on, the cost, blood consumption in a year, quantity of iron load or maybe the time you will spend going to hospital in a year........
I try to make an example.
Supposing we have three thal. major patient each one with same mutation, would mean they need same quantity of blood. But each one have a different frequency to be transfused.
The first (A) will go every 2 weeks receiving 1 unit of blood
The 2. (B) every 3 weeks getting 2 units
The 3. (C) receives every 4 weeks 3 units
Remember, we supposed they have the identical disorder.
Who do you think will have the highest iron loading after a year (52 weeks)


Let's make little bit of mathematic
A) 52 weeks : 2 weeks = 26 times he goes to get transfusion
26 x 1 units = 26 units of blood in one year.
Each unit of blood contains 200- 225 mg of iron, so the annual iron load will be 26x 200-225 = 5200-5850 mg
B) 52:3=17,33
17,33 x 2 = 34,66
34,66 x 200-225 = 6932-7798,5 mg
C) 52 : 4 = 13 13 x 3 = 39
39 x 200-225 = 7800-8775 mg
Case Frequency of trans. units per trans. times of transf. per year units per year iron load per year A be-weekly 1 26 26 5200-5850 B three-weekly 2 17,33 34,33 6032-7798,5 C monthly 3 13 39 7800-8775 |
Compared with Thal A), thal C) will receive
13 units more and
accumulate 2600-2925 mg iron more within a year. How much it will be in ten years? How much more drug Thal C will need to get same iron level as thal A)?

I think it is good to have these facts in mind and consider all other factors to make an individual decision. Maybe you can go three-weekly for transfusion.
The relation between frequency of transfusion and iron load was described in medical article from Piomelli et al. Ann. N. Y. Acad.Sci. 445, 256-267 in 1985
God bless you