Today my daughter and son reached the age of 5. My daughter (A Thal Major) is 5 and I think of parents who have lost their infant children and even didn’t know what was happening to them. I think of millions of parents who see their children suffering as they cannot afford to treat the condition. Desferal is once a month luxury for them. They travel hundreds of mile every month to get their children transfused.
Cooleys Anemia / Thalassemia was described by Dr Thomas Cooley in 1925 when he observed the symptoms of paleness, bone deformation and poor growth in Italian children living in US at the time, the mortality rate of 5 at best, most died in their infancy not seeing their second or third birthday. Thalassemia thought to be prevalent since 400BC and no reference to the condition was found until 12th century which only described some symptoms thought to be close to thalassemia, it is thought that the genetic mode of thalassemia appeared sometime in that era (400BC) as a defence against world wide malaria epidemic, humans effected never recovered from the change and for centuries they still carry the genes.
Cooleys Anemia was first described by the efforts of Dr Cooley. Later, blood transfusion was recommended for the major patients in 1940s and 1950s without chelation therapy which increased the mortality into teens at best but with severe health problems. With the advent of medical technology and more knowledge of genetics, limited iron chelation was introduced in late 60s and early 70s which resulted in the mortality to twenties for some. Last 10-15 years more research, hyper blood transfusion regimen, extensive iron chelation therapy and focus on the management of thalassemia resulted in better quality of life and patients survival in their mid 30s, 40s and beyond for some.
Thalassemia is a world wide problem even today, patients living in countries with poor medical facilities face severe challenges to maintain their health. The management is extensive and very expensive and for some beyond their means. The mortality is still low for many.
I see my daughter lucky to have best care available in the world today but how can I forget the pain of others. Most of us here understand and provide the best care to our loved ones but we know there is a lot of pain for some unprivileged
Happy Birthday to my Children.