I'm a Thal Major and recently I have been experiencing fast heart beat (heart palpitation) for no reason. It does not give me any signal and it just happen anytime and anywhere. The first time it occur was last yr when I was walking at my empty site. Eventually it occur quite frequent. It can happen to me anytime of the day. Whether I am at work or out having dinner or while sitting down at home watching TV. Every heart palpitation lasted for 2mins or so. I'm not a smoker but I am a social drinker.Could it be due to my social drinking?
I have checked with my heart doctor and they had run echo test, ECG test and even halter test on me. My doctor told me my heart is not enlarged and it's in a very good condition. In fact she told me that my heart beats actually improved.
Have anyone (esp thal major) experienced this?? Why did it happened?? Was it due to stress or anxiety?