Finally i met the doctor, he commented that all what Ahmad has defiency in causes anemia to normal persons and that is why he thinks that these affect the thal negatively. In addition to the high depletion of these vitamins, minerals,..... the doctor added that sometimes the thal patient body due to imbalnce of many amino acids and enzymes does not undergo the complete metabolism process and therefore can not make use of the vitamins taken.
He explained for example that when the he takes a vitamin A pill, the body needs to breakdown it to the simplest form in order to absoarb it and make use of it, but since the metabolism process may not be complete, the body can not make use of it leading to defiency. He didn't agree to increase his dose as he said that his body will not use them and will be stored as toxins in the liver.
After consulting with the hospital in Germany, he is going to give Ahmad all the substances that he lacks in the form of injections and solutions in the simlpest form, so the body does not need to metabolize them i.e the body will just make use of what is given without the need to break them down.
He said that this correction is not related to thal but correcting these body levels will reflect positivly on thal and make the body recognize the biological treatment he has been taking .
When i asked him if Ahmad will maintain normal levels after this correction or not, he answered that this may happen but not a gurantee and the only way to know is to make the heavy metals and amino acids test annually. ( which is a super expensive test

He also added that copper is very tricky as the deficency in copper leads to anemia by inhibiting the formation of red bloods cells in the first place and the increase in copper (Ahmad's case) leads to the quick breakdown of red blood cells after formation(hemolysis) also leading to anemia.
One of the things he will add to Ahmad is the coenzyme Q 10 on which he strongly insisted on its importance. He also commented that the glutathion (complete) &glutathion (reduced) are very important in the blood formation in the liver and all the liver functions and that they work as coenzymes in other enzymes related to growth.
he said that we will do another test to check his levels again. The injections and the solutions will arrive here by the 20th of July. The Hospital of germany suggested that i bring Ahmad there in order to assist his body (in addition to his treatment) by different methods like using bioresonance, energy..... and other techniques which i really forgot their names but actually we can't for financial reasons.
Nothing i can do but to wait and see but i am really so depressed as now i am dealing with these defiencies in addition to thal. thal is more than enough for me especially that i really believe that these defiencies may be worsening his thal and i am afraid that it could be a permenant problem