Hi everyone,
I am so happy to have found this website, and it is wonderful that this site offers so much info and advice. I just wanted to share my story as a Thal minor who is married to another Thal minor. My hubby and I knew of our conditions before we got married. My dad had warned me about my condition but my DH did not even know of such condition until I told him. When I told his parents that one of them has the condition, they just looked at me funny and thought I was crazy. We are Chinese and I can’t believe they have never heard of it.
Anyway, Hubby and I wanted to start a family a little over 10 years ago but it took awhile before we got a little Carson who is now 4 ½ years old. We are both 37 years old now. My first one ended in a miscarriage at 8 weeks with no heart beat, and I think it could be due to Thal Major but the doctor said it was just a missed miscarriage. My second was a Thal Major and we decided not to keep him/her. I didn’t have the courage to ask for the sex of the baby. It was probably the most heartbreaking experience in my life. Then we have a little Carson…alpha-alpha alpha-alpha (Thal-free) as the doctor calls it. I call him my miracle baby. 4 years later, we decided to try for another one. I am now 13 weeks and we just got our CVS result back…it’s another boy (was hoping for a girl

) and he is a Thal minor. Can you believe how excited we are? We are on cloud nine at the moment. This will probably be our last as I don’t think we can get any luckier than this.
For those who are trying for a baby, baby dust to all of you…there are miracles out there….be happy and stay positive!!