Little A read your message - I actually let him compare the two pictures as well - he had the same reaction. The change in him is unbelievable, it looks as though they are pictures of two different boys.
During the time that he had antibody he was on very frequent transfusions and steroids. When I look at pictures from the spring I can see the coppery, grayish tone in his skin and the puffy face from prednisone. After rituximab and the new combination chelation therapy - he is almost off of the prednisone. Now his face is its normal shape and his skin is pinky - he looks like he did before this whole antibody situation.
Also, thanks to the supplements you recommended - the B vitamins, minerals, vitamin e and carao - he has tons of energy and he is doing great at hockey and track and field. Other parents have remarked that little A has such great speed and energy in hockey - they are wondering what we are feeding him:)

His dad is beaming with pride after each game.
Andy, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for giving us our son back