Hi :
today early in the morning my papa & uncle taken me to the hospital bcoze i were faint/Unconscious bcoze of hypoglycaemia atttack ...
.. i m not sure abt it but bcoze my uncle and my father not told anything abt it only said "take good care of ur self " ....
but i heard some words of my papa n uncle they were talking to each other that
when i was comming out of this condtion ( faint/Unconscious/ state of insensibility).
" his B.S.L was too low as 09 mg/dl ).
their voice took on a worried tone .....
(even i reduced 2 units of the N.P.H on the Dr's advise last friday( when i last visited to her clinic).but it happened... i dont know why???....

@ andy
"hypoglycaemia" it could b bcoze of iron level ?.
bcoze last night everything i did was a routine's exercise
I took my meal as much as i daily taketo ..
i went to bed a little bit earlyer .
( i m saying this bcoze insulin doesn't work as good when u went to
sleep early after the meal. " that means bfore 2 hrs" )... and this rule
also apply on the normal peoples ..
i m taking desferal with infusion system on reguar basis to a couple of weeks does it is a reason?..
Posted on: Yesterday at 21:59:22Posted by: Andy
some people will still have problems from hepatitis even with low ferritin but if
your liver is to function properly and battle hepatitis and also be able to process the meds
efficiently, your iron levels have to be low
its mean that iron is the reason of diabeties ,iron is the reason of bad liver funtions (and
it is a joint function of liver and pancreas function),
So if iron is level is decreased i will need less insulin ... plz answer my
questions and correct me if i m wrong ..it will b a great pleasur for me....
plz remembr one thing when replying to it .......
i was taking desferal therapy last night when it happened "
@ sajjid :
hi i want to say that keep ur B.S.L's in controle.
Hypoglycaemia is the most Dangrous than the hyperglycaemia......
...so try to keep ur suger levels between the normal ranges ..
...and dont let them go over the 210 mg/dl.
...dont try to keep it under the normal ranges .....
n plz correct me if i m wrong.........it will b a great pleasur for me....
best regards
@ normal peoples
if u would not to avoid going to bed jusst after taking meal u will b fat..