good news or bad i didn't judge ..!

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good news or bad i didn't judge ..!
« on: June 28, 2008, 11:53:38 AM »
Hi buddys :
here is something to share ..
lsat time i went to my phsycian i abt the pain in right side of  belly ..
she advised Abdominal Ultra sound for Gall Blader stones ......
its a good news that there is no evidance of Gall Blader stones...
same time she told me to Hep B test ......

test                                    results                     normal range

Hep.B.Suface Antigen       HIGH Reactive (>250.00)
                                     cutoff rate is ..0.05

Hep Be antibody              non reactive     (2.227)
                                     cutoff rate is .. 1.0

C Reactive protein                1.2 mg                       0-1.0

the reason of the pain found Liver  Enlargement.....

it is something to worry abt.......
she advised to start a capsule for treatment hep b .....
i will inform u soon abt that capsule .....
well iron levels r still very high and i m trying my best to take down
the iron level within normal levels ... here is a long way to go in it.
well i  m not going to give up ... .. the game is still on .. lets see
who will b the winner ....
« Last Edit: August 21, 2008, 03:57:48 AM by Andy »
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Re: good news or bad i didn't judged yet ..!
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2008, 12:52:23 PM »
I'm so sorry to hear about your developments.

Older Thals are bound to get Hep virus as screening parameters were not that strict some time ago.

I too am HCv positive.

Just keep your S.F values low as these viruses have bad effect on liver weakened/damaged with Iron overload.

Praying the your treatment goes well. :pray
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Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: good news or bad i didn't judged yet ..!
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2008, 04:59:22 PM »
Sajid is absolutely right. The first line of treatment against hepatitis in thals has to be reducing their iron load. Not only does iron make the liver weak and more susceptible to the effects of the virus, but an iron overloaded liver cannot properly metabolize medicines, resulting in less effect from the meds. This was the problem for Lisa. Her iron level got so high that interferon treatment did not have its desired effects. Get your ferritin down. I realize that some people will still have problems from hepatitis even with low ferritin but if your liver is to function properly and battle hepatitis and also be able to process the meds efficiently, your iron levels have to be low.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: good news or bad i didn't judged yet ..!
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2008, 07:41:30 PM »
@ sajjid & Andy
Hi Sajjid & Andy :
thanx for ur concern & sugesstion and encouragement which is precious for me..
i m trying my best to keep iron levels in controle as soon it could b .  trying to take desferall with infusion system daily or alternate days.
and i m regular to take  medicine on time Ferriproc D-calc etcetera ..
DR. told me for latest L.F.T . and S.Ferritin ...
i m going to start tretment on their advise....
welll  lets see wats gone happen now .....
hey sajjid
wat abt ur HCV r u taking any treatment?.


Hoping for somthing good
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Re: good news or bad i didn't judged yet ..!
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2008, 05:49:59 AM »

Apart from high ALT that I have(which could be due to HCv combined with High S.F), I'm fine.
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Re: good news or bad i didn't judged yet ..!
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2008, 03:23:07 PM »
Hi :

today early in the morning my papa & uncle taken me to the hospital bcoze i were faint/Unconscious bcoze of hypoglycaemia atttack  ...
.. i m not sure abt it but bcoze my uncle and my father not told anything abt it only said "take good care  of ur self " ....

but i heard some words of my papa n uncle they were talking to each other that
when i was comming out of this condtion ( faint/Unconscious/ state of insensibility). 

" his B.S.L was too low as 09 mg/dl ).
 their voice took on a worried tone .....
(even i reduced 2 units of the N.P.H on the Dr's advise last friday( when i last visited to her clinic).but it happened... i dont know why???.... ??? :dunno :-\)

@ andy
"hypoglycaemia" it could b bcoze of  iron level ?.

bcoze last night everything i did was a routine's exercise
I took my meal as much as i daily taketo ..

i went to bed a little bit earlyer .

( i m saying this bcoze insulin doesn't work as good when u went to
sleep early after the meal. " that means bfore 2 hrs" )... and this rule
also apply on the normal peoples ..
i m taking desferal with infusion system on reguar basis to a couple of weeks does it is a reason?..

Posted on: Yesterday at 21:59:22Posted by: Andy
some people will still have problems from hepatitis even with low ferritin but if

your liver is to function properly and battle hepatitis and also be able to process the meds

efficiently, your iron levels have to be low

its mean that iron is the reason of diabeties ,iron is the reason of bad liver funtions (and

it is a joint function of liver and pancreas function),

So if iron is level is decreased  i will need less insulin ... plz answer my
questions and correct me if i m wrong will b a great pleasur for me....

plz remembr one thing when replying to it .......
" i was taking desferal therapy last night when it  happened  "

@ sajjid :
hi i want to say that keep ur B.S.L's in controle.
Hypoglycaemia is the most Dangrous than the hyperglycaemia...... try to keep ur suger levels between the normal ranges ..
...and dont let them go over the 210 mg/dl.
...dont try to keep it under the normal ranges .....

n plz correct me if i m will b a great pleasur for me....
                                   best regards


@ normal peoples
if u would not to avoid going to bed jusst after taking meal u will b fat..

« Last Edit: June 29, 2008, 08:59:03 PM by nice friend »
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Re: good news or bad i didn't judged yet ..!
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2008, 10:46:42 PM »

I'm glad you're OK now. Please review the article at

This article gives very good instructions on how to manage your diabetes and how to avoid these attacks from happening. However, and this is very important, when your liver and pancreas are in a state of stress or impairment, which can easily happen with iron overload (and also conditions like pancreatic cancer, as was suspected in my father's last months), it can be very hard to control diabetes and blood sugar levels can vary greatly. Again I will stress the ultimate importance of controlling your ferritin and also of having your liver tested for iron either through biopsy or MRI scan, including Ferriscan. Everyone, do not assume your liver is healthy just because your ferritin levels are low. Iron overload in organs does not necessarily reflect in ferritin tests, as Kats found out this year. She has always had top notch care and low ferritin but it was discovered through a heart scan that she was suffering from iron overload. As a result, she was taken off Exjade and put on combination treatment using desferal and L1. She has a very strong determination and being a mom of two kids (yes a thal mom with two kids born without hormone treatments, so it is very possible), she is very sure she will beat the iron overload. Umair, you too can beat this with determination, and the only way is with aggressive chelation and total compliance. Do not skip chelation. Something to consider is extending the length of time for each desferal infusion. Add a couple hours whenever possible. Start it earlier in the evening. I spoke to Masuma recently and she has been very aggressive about chelation, creating her own program using desferal and exjade and her ferritin is now down to under 1000, after having congestive heart failure one year ago. She deserves tremendous credit for working so hard to correct things after a period of slacking off had put her close to death. Not many thals beat congestive heart failure but Masuma did and learned. You can all do the same thing if you work hard enough.

Now for some excerpts from the above-mentioned article.

Hypoglycemia can occur in people with diabetes who take certain medications to keep their blood glucose levels in control. Usually hypoglycemia is mild and can easily be treated by eating or drinking something with carbohydrate. But left untreated, hypoglycemia can lead to loss of consciousness. Although hypoglycemia can happen suddenly, it can usually be treated quickly, bringing your blood glucose level back to normal.
Causes of Hypoglycemia

In people taking certain blood-glucose lowering medications, blood glucose can fall too low for a number of reasons:

    * meals or snacks that are too small, delayed, or skipped

    * excessive doses of insulin or some diabetes medications, including sulfonylureas and meglitinides (Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, biguanides, and thiazolidinediones alone should not cause hypoglycemia but can when used with other diabetes medicines.)

    * increased activity or exercise

    * excessive drinking of alcohol


Your diabetes treatment plan is designed to match your medication dosage and schedule to your usual meals and activities. If you take insulin but then skip a meal, the insulin will still lower your blood glucose, but it will not find the food it is designed to break down. This mismatch might result in hypoglycemia.

To help prevent hypoglycemia, you should keep in mind several things:

    * Your diabetes medications. Some medications can cause hypoglycemia. Ask your health care provider if yours can. Also, always take medications and insulin in the recommended doses and at the recommended times.
      What to Ask Your Doctor About Your Diabetes Medications
          o Could my diabetes medication cause hypoglycemia?
          o When should I take my diabetes medication?
          o How much should I take?
          o Should I keep taking my diabetes medication if I am sick?
          o Should I adjust my medication before exercise?

    * Your meal plan. Meet with a registered dietitian and agree on a meal plan that fits your preferences and lifestyle. Do your best to follow this meal plan most of the time. Eat regular meals, have enough food at each meal, and try not to skip meals or snacks.

    * Your daily activity. Talk to your health care team about whether you should have a snack or adjust your medication before sports or exercise. If you know that you will be more active than usual or will be doing something that is not part of your normal routine—shoveling snow, for example—consider having a snack first.

    * Alcoholic beverages. Drinking, especially on an empty stomach, can cause hypoglycemia, even a day or two later. If you drink an alcoholic beverage, always have a snack or meal at the same time.

    * Your diabetes management plan. Intensive diabetes management—keeping your blood glucose as close to the normal range as possible to prevent long-term complications—can increase the risk of hypoglycemia. If your goal is tight control, talk to your health care team about ways to prevent hypoglycemia and how best to treat it if it does occur.

Normal blood glucose levels in people who do not have diabetes
Upon waking (fasting)    70 to 110
After meals    70 to 140
Target blood glucose levels in people who have diabetes
Before meals    90 to 130
1 to 2 hours after the start of a meal    less than 180
Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose)    70 or below

If you think your blood glucose is too low, use a blood glucose meter to check your level. If it is 70 mg/dL or below, have one of these "quick fix" foods right away to raise your blood glucose:

    * 2 or 3 glucose tablets
    * 1/2 cup (4 ounces) of any fruit juice
    * 1/2 cup (4 ounces) of a regular (not diet) soft drink
    * 1 cup (8 ounces) of milk
    * 5 or 6 pieces of hard candy
    * 1 or 2 teaspoons of sugar or honey

After 15 minutes, check your blood glucose again to make sure that it is no longer too low. If it is still too low, have another serving. Repeat these steps until your blood glucose is at least 70. Then, if it will be an hour or more before your next meal, have a snack.

If you take insulin or a diabetes medication that can cause hypoglycemia, always carry one of the quick-fix foods with you. Wearing a medical identification bracelet or necklace is also a good idea.

Exercise can also cause hypoglycemia. Check your blood glucose before you exercise.

Severe hypoglycemia can cause you to lose consciousness. In these extreme cases when you lose consciousness and cannot eat, glucagon can be injected to quickly raise your blood glucose level. Ask your health care provider if having a glucagon kit at home and at work is appropriate for you. This is particularly important if you have type 1 diabetes. Your family, friends, and co-workers will need to be taught how to give you a glucagon injection in an emergency.

Hypoglycemia and Diabetes: Doing Your Part

Signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia can vary from person to person. Get to know your own signs and describe them to your friends and family so they will be able to help you. If your child has diabetes, tell school staff about hypoglycemia and how to treat it.

If you experience hypoglycemia several times a week, call your health care provider. You may need a change in your treatment plan: less medication or a different medication, a new schedule for your insulin shots or medication, a different meal plan, or a new exercise plan.

It is very important to know your own body and to learn to recognize the symptoms of low blood sugar. When you learn this you will know when it is time to eat a piece of candy or some sweets to prevent your sugar from dropping too low. Regular testing of your levels is required. Do not assume. Test.

And above all for thals, chelate, chelate and chelate. No excuses. Find ways to fit some extra chelation in whenever possible. I know a lot of thals with ferritin under 1000 and every single one has worked hard to achieve this. And diabetics, please try IP6. Not only is it a chelation supplement, but it has been shown to reduce blood glucose levels. It has been shown that taking zinc with IP6 does increase its effects in lowering blood glucose. Chelating thals should already be taking zinc to replace that which is lost in chelation. If you try this and notice a long term lowering of blood glucose (HbA1C levels will reflect this) then your insulin dosage may need to be lowered.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: good news or bad i didn't judged yet ..!
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2008, 05:27:25 AM »
I'm so sorry to hear what you went through :(

I had my share of Hypo the day before.

I felt unusually light headed and had that strange "Gut Feeling" (couldn't decide whether I wanted to throw up or go to the loo); I checked my BSL and found them low to 68mg/dl. I took a spoonful of sugar and had lunch without insulin.

It's really hard for me to find the correct dose. If I take 8 units (like the doctor told me) then BSL goes high. If I take 10 then it goes too low.

I have joined a diabetic forum (like our site, but it's in a blog format) that has helped me a lot in controlling my level.

I suggest you join it too; the address is:

Click the forum link to access the discussion forum.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2008, 05:23:29 AM by §ãJ¡Ð ساجد »
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Re: good news or bad i didn't judged yet ..!
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2008, 01:42:50 PM »
2nd episodes of the wat happened to me last night......

last night when i went to bed and  trying to sleeep i looked at my Pump there was
5-6 cc remained in the syringe to infuse ... i thought it will finish til 6;30-7:30 AM ..
it was in my mind thati wil replace the syringe to another syringe
filled with desferal.then i got a sound sleep...

i asked to my papa what happened to me on this sunday morning ? ...

he told to me :
when i woke up bcoze of loud noise of collapsing the chair it comes to your room.
when i reached ur room u were lying on the floor and i came to know that noise came
bcoze of the collision between You(me) , chair and table. suddenly a thought came in
my mind that it is bcoze of low sugar level (hypoglycaemia).
he called my elder brother and then my uncle to take me to the Hospital.
my uncle,bro,and papa took me to the hospital.
when i came out to that anaesthetic condition .bang downed on the floor..
it was diffficult to realize that i woke up and then start walking.
then crashed on the chair and i dont know anything abt it... when i felt pain
in my knees , elbow and a little mark of pain in the head i realized that
it happened as all r telling to me.i got some severe hurts on my knees and feeling
bad when try to run .

Re: good news or bad i didn't judged yet ..!
« Reply #5 on: Yesterday at 20:23:07 »

they were taken me to the hospital bcoze of hypoglycaemia atttack ...
.. my uncle and my father didn't tell me but i heard it when my
father and uncle were talking .i heard it when i was comming out of that state of


papa and uncle were talking to each other " his B.S.L was too low as 09 mg/dl ).
their voice took on a sad tone .

 even i reduced  the N.P.H 2 units on Dr's
advise to the last friday. i don know wat to do .

i uncle told me to not take insulin for today (sunday) .. and keep a record of
ur bsl of today ..

i dont know when my B.S.L came in the ideal range for hypoglycaemia , when i woke up ,
and when i start walking , when i struck into chair and chair collide to computer table,
, when i collapsed on the floor....bcoze i was in an anaesthetic condition.bcoze of

hypoglycaemia .
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Re: good news or bad i didn't judged yet ..!
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2008, 08:19:43 PM »
@ sajjid
how ru now buddy ?.
i m sorry for wat is happening to u.  i pleadged  n hope that it will bcome fine soon ...and BSL will in full controle of u ?...bcoze nothing can win to the real fighter ....n u r the real fighter.fought against many prblemetic situtions.

hey buddy dont b sad .
tell me wat kind of insulin u r using ..

humulin 100 regular   and   (comes in yellow color packing )
humulin 100 N.P.H  mix.     (come's in green color packing ) these 2 used by mixing in each other then inject into ur body...

or using the humlin ( which come's in the packing of brown color ).. it comes pre-mixed ...

plz tell me i will try to help u if itt come's to understanding of mine ......

i will not  miss-guide .. if i cant understand then i will not recommend u anything..... thanx buddy give me a chance to help u ......

yes its dis-hearting that if u want to take bsl lo then it bcomes too low ..
n when u try to manage ur bsl in normal ranges it jumped over the ranges of it....

i have suffered many times this kind of sitution  ( and still suffering but now it happen's after 3 - 5 months ).
dont loose ur heart.. take care of ur self b e humbled to god ... n keep praying for u n m ...
coze prayers went straight to the god ....     best regards
i m joining the group abt u told me in ur last post
« Last Edit: June 30, 2008, 09:06:40 PM by nice friend »
Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
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Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
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Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



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Re: good news or bad i didn't judged yet ..!
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2008, 05:25:49 AM »
Hi Umair,

Thanks for your prayers :)

Well, I'm only on ActRapid HM by Novo Nordisk which I have to take before meals.
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Re: good news or bad i didn't judged yet ..!
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2008, 12:22:09 PM »
Hi sajjid :
buddy its easy to take insulin tand then the meal ...
its easily manageable .... in case of

humulin 100 regular and humulin 100 N.P.H  u have to take insulin once b4 breakfast and once b4 dinner......
 lunch without insulin aaahhh..... its difficult to controle  when u have a meal without insulin...
well i m on this kind of insulin .......

regular starts its function after 30 minutes and  it works untill 4 hours .....

N.P.H starts its function after 4 hours and  it works untill 12 hours .....

i dont know wat type of my diabeties is ......but ... its too much  fluctuation in my BSL's

thanx bro
Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
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Re: good news or bad i didn't judged yet ..!
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2008, 09:34:14 PM »
In Pakistan a 24-year-old patient suffering from diabetes type one underwent the autologous retrodifferentiated stem cell therapy only recently and was found to be synthesising her own insulin within four weeks of therapy, she said refusing to giving further details as the study is in its comparatively initial phase.

i found it in mrzhed's post in which he mentioned abt tristem
Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



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Re: good news or bad i didn't judged yet ..!
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2008, 07:55:24 AM »
Hi Andy, Sajid & Umair
I had my transfusion last week and got the doctor to give me zinc tablets as I remember the Professor in Australia talking to me about them. My hands were becoming very dry and cracking. The pain was pretty bad too so I'm now have those added to my many pills. :dunno
I wanted to know more about this IP6 that you guys are talking about.
The diabetic doctors aren't sure about my HBA1C tests and have decided not to always go by them because over the 10 years they have flutuated and have been low when my bsm was high and vice versa. I'm glad that my hypos are as frequent as they use to be. Sometimes it was 3 in one day and thats even after lowering the dosage and eating regular foods.
I wish you guys all the best with your diabetes and I'm gonna keep chelating and doing my best.
And please can I know what IP6 is so I can talk to my haematologist.
Thalassaemia is a lifestyle not a burden.


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Re: good news or bad i didn't judged yet ..!
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2008, 09:02:08 AM »
Hi Cherieann,

IP6 is a natural supplement that is extracted from rice bran.

It has shown some chelating properties and is a good anitoxidant which removes other free radicals too that can harm our organs.
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