I know that is good, but...

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Offline Manal

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I know that is good, but...
« on: July 02, 2008, 01:08:18 AM »

On July 10th, 2006 when my son was first diagnoised his ferritin was 54, then in July 2007 it was 81. Now it is 64, i know that it is good, but he does not drink that much tea to go down. All the tests were done in the same lab. Shall i check any thing else ?? or i am being too much worried that i can not enjoy a good result?


PS: Could it be possible that thal intermedia be associated with iron defiency in any case or this is impossible ?


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: I know that is good, but...
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2008, 03:48:10 AM »
All those ferritin readings are basically in the same range, and other factors besides iron load affect ferritin, so the difference has even less meaning. Since he is an intermedia and it would be expected that he will eventually be absorbing too much iron from foods, you should consider having a full iron studies testing done as a point of reference for future tests. These will give a much more accurate picture of iron load than ferritin testing alone.

It seems very unlikely that an intermedia would have iron deficiency and his ferritin level is in normal range for his age.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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