Now that I think and rethink this, in my opinion it is better to order Green Kamut powder (see below why).
It's a pity that I did not find out about Green Kamut before.

I am thinking of what exactly to be.. I do not know, the powder I have to mix with liquid or the tablets, ot the supershots of dr Wheatgrass.. do you know what is the most efficient ? 
About the formulation - which is the most effective (not exactly an answer to your question yet)?
We have very limited information on how wheatgrass works and how is absorbed best. There was only one research (correct if I am wrong) about this performed by supershots manufacturer. It reads on the bottle: "Retain in mouth for 1 minute for best effects".
So I guess no matter what form wheatgrass is bought in (liquid or powder), it should be dissolved (if it's powder) and kept in your mouth for some time. In this case the formulation would have no effect on final result.
Still, there can be some problems with wheatgrass extraction - for example some of the antioxidants can be lost during extraction (more for powder, than for liquid, because drying lasts longer). But we do not know to what extend this happens and have to rely on the recommended dosage of wheatgrass in powder and in liquid form.
Which of these two is more efficient in terms of financial issues?
Let's calculate the cost of the recommended daily dosage:
For supershots:
23 Euro (for a whole bottle) / 30 (number of servings) = 0,76 Euro.
For Green Kamut Wheat Grass Juice capsules:
10 Euro (for a whole pack) / 80 (80 Servings in the whole pack, One serving of Green Kamut® = 1 oz. fresh wheatgrass juice) = 0,125 Eu
So based on this calculation Kamut is 6 times cheaper.
Even if we assume that powder contains less antioxidants than liquid and double recommended dosage it's still 3 times cheaper.
But it looks like this has already been accounted for - daily recommended dose recalculated for unconcentrated wheatgrass juice is:
supershots: 0.5 oz (however I can't find exact data on how much it is concentrated - probably 3 times)
Kamut: 1 oz.
You should definetely try to contact the site, where they sell Kamut, although buying it may require dealing with customs and will rather take longer than for supershots. Another option is to find European site where they sell it. I've tried but I can only find some other brands... is the same Kamut wheatgrass, not in capsules, but in powder. It is even cheaper.