Olivia Gulko's follow up appointment today

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Olivia Gulko's follow up appointment today
« on: July 11, 2008, 06:17:49 AM »
Hello everybody...This is Kathleens husband Frank...Just wanted to let everybody Olivia had a follow up today. Her regular doctor is out for another month or so(she had her first baby!) so we saw a new doctor. Hes retired and just helping out at the hospital until she comes back.Her hb level was a 8.1,last appointment it was a 8.7 about 2 weeks ago, so the doctor said that is really no change. It is to us but also I guess its because its our daughter.He chose not to transfuse her and he said it was not only based on her number but her activity level looked good.Our concern is also her developing or not developing correctlyDont get us wrong..everyday that goes by we dont have to transfuse is a great day! But do we take the advise of a doctor who is there for just a month and has never seen her before? We also spoke about bringing back hydroxyurea at a higher dose. That will be discussed when her full time doctor returns. I have more to ask and say but am running out of space so I will write more soon!! Thank you everyone for all your support!!!!!


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Re: Olivia Gulko's follow up appointment today
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2008, 06:39:37 AM »
Hi Frank,

Nice to see you posting :happyyes

I wish Olivia all the best and it's great to hear that she is not getting transfused.

I hope your concerns about her development goes away with a healthy and balanced diet. Keep a regular watch on her weight and height at home too to see how she's doing.

اَسّلامُ علیکم Peace be Upon you
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