I know you're not with us anymore, Sajid, and I know it's too late now, but I want to thank you for all you've done for us, like this thread. You took the time out to make things easier for our members by going through the trouble of saving the pictures, cropping them, then adding the circles to them with arrows pointing to where certain things should go. And that was definitely our Sajid. As tears continue to roll down from my eyes, I want to acknowledge him, and tell him that I love him, and wish he was here with us, because he was such a huge part of our community, and I miss him dearly. :'(

Way to go, Sajid.

You did such great work while you were on this earth and I know you are doing even better work up there in Heaven with our creator. I hope you have beautiful angel wings now, so you can fly down and keep an eye on us, brother. You were like a little brother to me the way we used to go back and forth all the time, like siblings. You frustrated me at times, but then made me laugh so hard that I forgot all about what you stressed me over.

And that was our friendship, and I was happy that way. I wanted him to be here forever with us... but I guess he had better plans to be in paradise. Please save a spot for me up there, Sajid! Wait for me! Meet me at the gates with Lisa and Ash so that I won't be so scared. Help me transition from this life easily and painlessly when the times comes, please, I beg you guys.

I know this doesn't belong here, but I wanted to make a statement about how much Sajid helped this forum, and this thread was a perfect example of his doings. Now I know we have other members here that contribute their time and effort as well, and this is why I need to say this, because I will be telling you guys what a great job you are doing NOW. I don't want to wait until someone else passes for me to tell them they did a spectacular job. So, please forgive me for being so absent and ignorant. You guys are the best and I love you all. I also want to say that Andy has done the best job he could possibly do with everything else that's going on in his life and he continues to selflessly help others, and I commend him for that. I don't think this forum would still be standing if it wasn't for him holding up the fort continually.
We have the best group here, and we all need to stick together and help each other through the good and bad.